Employee Access to Scheduling

Employee Access to Scheduling

Restaurant employees can access their own schedule and make requests such as time off and shift trades through the mobile app or a web browser as described below:   How to Setup Employees to Access Scheduling Features Employees are setup to access both the mobile app and web application with these same steps: Open the Employee Record and complete all of the required fields, including the ‘Preferred Contact Method’ Click the ‘App Access’ check box and save the Employee Record Press the ‘Send Temporary Password’ button to send an email or text to the Employee with a temporary password and … Continued
Employee Record Updates and Merge via Import Tool

Employee Record Updates and Merge via Import Tool

The majority of records that reside in Restaurant365 can be updated via the Restaurant365 Import Tool. When performing bulk updates, the Import Tool typically references a record based of the ‘Name’ value on the record. When making updates to Employee Records, the ‘EmployeeId’ value is the key mapping value, as opposed to the ‘Name’ value. It is common for employees to work at multiple Locations, and therefor have multiple/duplicate Employee Records imported from multiple POS systems.  These records must be merged in to a single master record for correct employee identification throughout Restaurant365. Employee Merge and Employee Updates are two … Continued
Scheduling: Calendar View

Scheduling: Calendar View

  The Schedule screen in the Scheduling Module is a Calendar with Weekly or Daily views of the Schedule.  From this screen Employee Shifts can be managed in a simple drag and drop form.  To access this form navigate to the Scheduling Module, then select ‘Schedule’ in the left hand navigation pane.  The Schedule Calendar will be shown in the center portion of the screen.  The elements of this window are described below. Header Fields There are several selectors and buttons located in the Header that allow the User to select which Schedule to view and how the Schedule will be … Continued
Scheduling: Job Responsibilities

Scheduling: Job Responsibilities

This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module   Job Responsibilities allow you to put more detailed qualifications on a job and specify which employees have those qualifications.  Then when assigning shifts you can tell which responsibilities/qualifications are required and limit which employees are eligible for that shift.  These can be used in a number different ways including to record certifications and skills for specific employees that pertain to specific jobs. For example if you have a job called Cook but schedule where one shift is working the grill and another … Continued
Employee App Access

Employee App Access

    Granting Employees access to the R365 Mobile App and limited-use portals of R365 is a simple process.  Once the Employee record has been imported from the POS via the POS Integration (or manually created), the record can be granted ‘App Access’ by clicking the ‘App Access’ checkbox on the General tab of the record.   Granting App Access Checking this box and saving the record makes several things happen throughout R365.  We will demonstrate each in sequence:   1) Temporary Password Upon reloading the page, the ‘Send Temporary Password’ button appears next to the ‘App Access’ checkbox. This … Continued
Scheduling Overview & Security

Scheduling Overview & Security

  Overview The Scheduling module is a full scheduling software to manage Employee schedules.  There are two separate functions within the Scheduling module in Restaurant365: Manager functions: Restaurant Managers can create the schedule, send out text/email alerts to Employees for Scheduled Shifts, alert Employees of Open Shifts, manage Employee info (including uploading pictures and availability), sending out Announcements to Employees, and review the ‘Schedule vs Actual’ reports. Employee functions: restaurant Employees will most commonly access the Scheduling module through the R365 Mobile app.  Employees will also have access to a limited-use ‘Employee Portal’ that is accessed using a web browser.  Employees can check their … Continued
Published Schedule Push to POS (Select POS Systems Only)

Published Schedule Push to POS (Select POS Systems Only)

This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module   Published Schedules can be ‘pushed’ back to the POS System up to 1 business day in advance.  Once a Schedule has been Published in R365, the Scheduled Shifts will be pushed back to the POS during the nightly DSS poll.  With the Shifts automatically entered in to the POS, settings can be placed on the POS to restrict employees from clocking in before their scheduled shift.  Typically the time window is set for 10 minutes.  R365 does not support these POS Settings and any … Continued
Job Titles

Job Titles

This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module   Purpose & Overview Jobs are used in various ways by the system.  They are assigned to employees and used by the scheduling module.  They are also used in conjunction with the POS integration to track employee punches which make up the labor accrual journal entry.  The job form will be described directly below followed by sections describing the job’s effect on the POS integration and labor accruals.   Creating/Viewing/Editing Jobs Jobs can be created in 2 ways.  They are most often created by … Continued
Scheduling: Local Events

Scheduling: Local Events

This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module   Local Events allow you to enter events happening in the area (local sporting event, conference, etc) that might effect the restaurant and these will show on the scheduling screen to help when scheduling. To create a new event you can either hand enter or import the list. To enter events go to Scheduling – New Event in the top ribbon. To import events go to Scheduling – Import in the top ribbon and then select Event in the Options dropdown.  Click here … Continued
Scheduling: Shifts

Scheduling: Shifts

This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module   Shifts are the detailed employee assignments on the schedule.  The shift form is generally opened as a popup window on the schedule screen, but can also be opened from other places in the application as described below. Creating a Shift New shifts can be created in 2 ways from the schedule screen and 1 other spot in the system: Double click any blank cell on the schedule or right click a blank cell and select Add (circled in orange in image below) … Continued