GL Account Detail Report

GL Account Detail Report

This report shows each transaction that has hit an account (or multiple accounts) within a selected date range.  This report can be run from My Reports and is also the report that the P&L, Trial Balance, and Balance Sheet drill down to when you click on an amount on those reports to see more details.  Clicking on the blue link in the Ref. Number column of this report will open that transaction. Once the report is opened there are some parameters at the top the user can set that will change how the data is displayed: Account – select which … Continued
Period Purchases Analysis by Vendor

Period Purchases Analysis by Vendor

Displays total purchases by Vendor and then by GL Account for any given period for any combination of locations.  Breaks out the purchases by week during the period and has totals for each week, each vendor, and the period.  Drill down  into any source transaction.
Comparable Stores

Comparable Stores

A grouping some restaurant companies use to analyze similar stores often vs a prior year is accomplished in the system with the Comparable (Comp) Stores feature.  This allows a company to state which dates each location should be included in the comp store group for reporting.  There are many reports that can be filtered to run only for comp stores or non-comp stores. Setup When a restaurant first opens many restaurant companies don’t want to include it in some reports because of its lack of historical sales and the variability of sales in the first few months so its considered non-comparable.  Often … Continued
Profit & Loss – Actual Plus Forecast

Profit & Loss – Actual Plus Forecast

Displays each month of the year with actual values for past months and budget values for future months.  Totals these two together to show what the company is ‘on-track’ to do for the year verses the original budget.  Displays variance and % columns. May be filtered by location(s) or legal entity.
Daily COGS Activity

Daily COGS Activity

Shows a running total of purchases by category for each day of the period.  It also compares the actual spend by category to the budgeted amount for each category for the period.
Check Register Report

Check Register Report

Displays all the ins and outs of a bank account with the ability to sort by reconciled amount.
My Reports: Report Roles Setup

My Reports: Report Roles Setup

Report Roles must be created in order to access the Reports located in ‘My Reports’.  Click here for more information about My Reports Alternatively, if all users will need access to ‘All Reports’, this can be set on the User Record.  Click here for more information on granting access to ‘All Reports’   Setup Report Roles Navigate to the Report Roles Setup screen to Create and View Report Roles Hover over the ‘Administration’ menu in the Top Ribbon, then hover over the ‘Users & Security’ sub-menu and select ‘Report Roles Setup’.  The Report Roles Setup page will load in a new … Continued
Profit & Loss – Period & YTD v Budget & Prior Year

Profit & Loss – Period & YTD v Budget & Prior Year

Displays the period v budget and prior year with variances and the YTD as of the period selected with YTD budget and YTD prior year with variances.  Can filter by any combination of locations or legal entities.
COGS Analysis by Location

COGS Analysis by Location

Purchasing transaction totals by location, then vendor, then each transaction with columns side by side of GL Account.  Drill down to any individual transaction from the report.  Filter by location and by COGS Type.


Forecasting is the window in the system where you can set a sales forecast by location by period and can enter daily values.  This forecast can be referenced in the Business Analytics module in the Daily Sales Summary data set to compare to actual values (steps to create this view are listed later in the training).  Since forecasting is commonly looked at weekly, this window is designed to work for companies that have their Operational Year setup as 13-4 week periods or 4/4/5 periods so that it can be based on weeks.  Calendar periods don’t work well in this screen … Continued