AP Automation: Common Webmail Provider POP Settings

AP Automation: Common Webmail Provider POP Settings

Restaurant365 can monitor a specified Email address via POP3.  Click here for more information on AP Automation   [table id=12 automatic_url_conversion=true automatic_url_conversion_new_window=true /]
System Preferences: Location Reporting Categories

System Preferences: Location Reporting Categories

Overview The ‘Location Reporting Categories’ tab resides on the System Preferences screen.  Click here for more information on System Preferences.  On the Location Reporting Categories tab, Users can create and define Location Reporting Categories that will then be set on the Location Record.  Location Reporting Categories will appear on the Location Record in the order in which they are entered on the Location Reporting Categories tab.  Up to 10 different Location Reporting Categories are available for Users to utilize   Create Location Reporting Categories Enter and save desired values as Location Reporting Categories on the Location Reporting Categories tab of the … Continued
System Preferences Overview

System Preferences Overview

Overview System Preferences can only be accessed by Users with the User Setup Security Role.  On the System Preference screen, various System-wide Account, Location, Email Automation, POS Integration, and Reporting settings can be adjusted.  Changes made on the Preferences screen are put in to effect immediately upon saving Security To access the System Preference screen, a User must have the Secondary Security Role of ‘User Setup’.  This is a role that is typically reserved for one or two individuals in the organization to manage all User access to Restaurant365.  The User that would have ‘User Setup’ is typically a User with … Continued
System Preferences: Accounts

System Preferences: Accounts

The ‘Accounts’ tab resides on the System Preferences screen.  Click here for more information on System Preferences.  On the Accounts tab, System-wide Account settings are set.  The values provided in these settings will be used as the Default Accounts throughout the System.   Legend: 1) Accounts Payable – set the Default Accounts Payable GL Account for all AP Transactions 2) Accounts Receivable – set the Default Accounts Recievable GL Account for all AR Transactions 3) Credit Expected – set the Credit Expected GL Account used on the ‘Vendor Credit Expected’ field on an AP Invoice transaction 4) Retained Earnings – set the Retained Earnings … Continued
System Preferences: AP Automation

System Preferences: AP Automation

The ‘AP Automation’ tab resides on the System Preferences screen.  Click here for more information on System Preferences. On the AP Automation tab, a specified Email address can be provided that will be monitored by Restaurant365 via POP3.  When emails with attachments are sent to the monitored Email address, Restaurant365 will recognize the attachment(s) and determine what actions can be taken.  Attachments that cannot be automatically imported as AP Transactions (EDI) will be routed to the Documents to Process list.  Note: Please refer to the AP Automation Overview as you prepare to utilize this useful feature in Restaurant365 Legend: 1) Email … Continued
System Preferences: Location Additional Info

System Preferences: Location Additional Info

  The ‘Location Additional Info’ tab resides on the System Preferences screen.  Click here for more information on System Preferences. Additional identifiers for a Location can be created on this tab of Preferences.  These identifiers will then be available on the ‘Additional Info’ tab of the Location Record as open text fields, as shown below:   System Preferences: Location Record:
System Preferences: Miscellaneous

System Preferences: Miscellaneous

Overview The ‘Miscellaneous’ tab resides on the System Preferences screen and contains various system settings that effect how data is displayed, created, and updated throughout Restaurant365.  Click here for more information on System Preferences. 1) Sales Tax Rate – Set the default Sales Tax Rate for AR Transactions.  Sales Tax Rates for each Location can be set on the Location Record 2) PL Report Percent Of – Sets the default ‘Percent of’ option on all GL Accounts that have GL Types on the Profit and Loss statement.  Click here for more information on Report Settings.  System Default is ‘Net Sales’.  Options include: … Continued
AP Automation Overview

AP Automation Overview

Overview AP Automation is a feature within Restaurant365 that allows an Organization to setup a specified Email address on the System Preference screen.  Restaurant365 will monitor this Email address via POP3.  Organization team members and Vendors can then send emails to that address with PDF invoices attached and those PDFs will be imported into the Documents to Process list.  Each separate Attachment will be imported as a separate Document to Process.  Additionally, supported CSV file formats will import automatically and create AP Transactions via EDI Security Users with the Secondary Security Role of ‘User Setup’ have access to ‘System Preferences’. … Continued