Restaurant Manager Training Outline

Restaurant Manager Training Outline

Here are the key videos and articles for Restaurant Manager Training Navigation Working with Lists Restaurant Operational Reports Sales Daily Sales Summary – Manager Purchases Entering Invoices At The Restaurant Location Manager Mass Invoice Entry Importing AP Invoices Inventory Stock Count Overview Stock Count Templates Performing A Stock Count via Browser Performing A Stock Count via Mobile App Entering An Item Transfer New Waste Log Entry  
POS Integration Overview

POS Integration Overview

Restaurant365 integrates with many POS systems. Here is an overview what the integrations create in Restaurant365 each time it is run:   System Requirements – The machine housing the integration must have at least .net 4.0 and Internet Explorer 9. Frequency – The integration can be configured to run automatically each night. It can also be run on-demand at the end of the day by one of the store managers. Data Flow – The integration is a one-way integration from the POS system to Restaurant365. Restaurant365 does not pass any information back to the POS system. Data – The integration … Continued
Working with Lists

Working with Lists

  Column Sort, Order, Size Click column header to sort, click again to sort descending, click 3rd time to turn off sort on that column While 1 column is sorted, if they click another column header it will sort by that column as a secondary sort (can sort by as many columns as desired) To quickly clear all sorts on a list click Clear Sort button above grid Resize columns by clicking the edge of that column’s header Move columns around to reorder by clicking the column header and dragging to another position To show/hide columns in the view, click … Continued
What Do I Do If My POS Numbers Don’t Match Restaurant365?

What Do I Do If My POS Numbers Don’t Match Restaurant365?

Restaurant365 provides a very powerful and reliable integration with your POS system. In the rare event that your POS sales numbers don’t match the DSS record in Restaurant365, here are the steps you should take: Check to make sure the POS was closed out and completed before the Restaurant365 integration ran. If not, re-run the the integration for that day using the Import Tool. Check to see if any changes have been made to your POS. If there have been, please make us aware of these changes. Review your Restaurant 365 Sales Accounts, Payment Type Accounts and Job Titles to … Continued
Entering Beginning Balance Transactions

Entering Beginning Balance Transactions

When implementing Restaurant365 you will need to input beginning balance transactions for GL Balances, Open AP Transactions, Open AR Transactions, and Unreconciled Bank Transactions.  The majority of beginning balance items will be imported during the implementation process.  However, after go-live you may identify some discrepancies that may require you to add some additional beginning balance transactions. To add a new beginning balance transaction for GL Balances, Open AP, Open AR, or Unreconciled Bank Items, follow the steps below.   Select ‘Administration’ in the top ribbon and then select ‘New Beginning Balance’.  This will open a list of available beginning balance options. Available Beginning Balance Transaction Options AP … Continued
Payment Type Accounts Overview

Payment Type Accounts Overview

Purpose & Overview:  Payment Type Accounts are required for all POS integrations to Restaurant365 in the same way Sales Accounts are. A Payment Type Account’s purpose is to tell Restaurant365 what GL Account to debit when accounting for individual sales tickets imported from the POS. It is a ‘mapping’ of tenders, discounts, and other offsets/reductions to the sale of goods in the POS system, to a Restaurant365 GL Account. Here is a diagram & example: The Restaurant365 POS integration automatically creates unique Payment Type Account records (in R365) for every payment & discount from sales tickets imported from the POS … Continued
Searching Transactions For Specific Amount, Date, Location, Etc

Searching Transactions For Specific Amount, Date, Location, Etc

The easiest way to find transaction details when you know 1 or more criteria such as the amount, date, location, GL account, etc is using the Transaction Details list.  Searching by amount is most common so our example below will search for transaction details with the debit amount of $190.52.  Scrolling through this list you will see many columns with information about those transactions such as which bank reconciliation or deposit they’re on or if they’ve been matched to a bank activity record. Go to Transaction Details list under Accounting – Home – Transaction Details in the left hand navigation pane Scroll … Continued
Job Titles

Job Titles

This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module   Purpose & Overview Jobs are used in various ways by the system.  They are assigned to employees and used by the scheduling module.  They are also used in conjunction with the POS integration to track employee punches which make up the labor accrual journal entry.  The job form will be described directly below followed by sections describing the job’s effect on the POS integration and labor accruals.   Creating/Viewing/Editing Jobs Jobs can be created in 2 ways.  They are most often created by … Continued
Import Tool

Import Tool

Restaurant365 comes with an import tool which allows end users to import many types of records such as Vendors, GL Accounts, Items, Beginning Balances, Recipes, Item Locations, Vendor Items, etc.  These imports can create new records or update existing records To access the import tool navigate to the Administration menu in the top ribbon and select ‘Import’ Upload File step This step is where you choose what record you’ll be importing, whether it will create or update those records, and then select your file to import.  The fields are described below:   Options – in this list box you select … Continued
Gift Cards and Certificates

Gift Cards and Certificates

Gift Card Sales Gift card sales are imported from the POS each night on their respective sales tickets. This is imported as a sales item on that ticket with the corresponding category you’ve assigned in the POS. On the DSS journal entry this will credit the GL Account you’ve specified in the R365 Sales Account mapping. This is usually Gift Card Liability and as shown in the screenshot below of your sales accounts where the category is related to gift cards, that is the case. Gift Card Payments When a customer pays with a gift card this also comes over … Continued