Commissary Items

Commissary Items

Commissary Item Setup Only Purchased Items marked as Commissary Items will be available in the Commissary Module.  Click here for information on how to create Purchased Items.  For more information on the Commissary Feature, please refer to the Commissary Overview.  To mark an item as a Commissary Item perform the following: 1. Open the Purchased Item Record (Operations – Inventory – Items in left hand navigation) and click the Commissary Item check box on the General tab.  Doing so will set the Sales tab to visible where additional information will be required 2. In addition to the required fields on the … Continued
Commissary Overview & Security

Commissary Overview & Security

  Overview The Commissary Feature in Restaurant365 makes it easy for Restaurant Locations to create and submit Commissary Orders to a designated Commissary, and for that Commissary Location to review and fulfill those Commissary Orders.  Additionally, there are three Commissary-specific reports found in My Reports, under the Commissary section. In order to utilize the Commissary Feature it must be activated, if you are interested in activating Commissary please email and someone will follow up with you. Commissary Overview Video Click here to open the [video_lightbox_vimeo5 video_id=209993997 width=800 height=450 anchor=”Commissary Feature Overview Video” ] Commissary Order Flow An Accounting User assigns (or creates a new … Continued
Commissary Template

Commissary Template

The commissary template is setup by the commissary manager or an accounting manager and is the template used to create commissary orders.   This is also where the commissary can specify which locations get deliveries on which days and can also mark whether to alert restaurant managers if their order is not submitted and the cutoff time is approaching.  Currently, there is only 1 template for commissary orders for your organization. The commissary template is located under Operations – Commissary – Commissary Template in the left hand navigation.  Selecting this will show the template in the center part of the … Continued
Commissary Fulfillment Transaction

Commissary Fulfillment Transaction

When an order is fulfilled, meaning the commissary has shipped the product and marked the order as fulfilled in the system, a Commissary Fulfillment transaction gets created automatically.  This transaction records the inventory and financial effect of the order.  The fulfillment shows the quantity of each item that went from the commissary to the location which records sales to the commissary and cost to the location.  If the commissary is owned by a different legal entity than the location (most common) then intercompany due to/from entries will also be recorded on this transaction so you will know how much is … Continued
Commissary Orders

Commissary Orders

Each location has a commissary order form where the possible items are listed so they can populate what quantity of each item they’d like.  The order gives quantity advice to help the manager choose how much to order. Creating Orders An order form gets created automatically for each location for each day that they have a commissary delivery.  This is driven by the Delivery Days tab of the Commissary Template form where you can specify which locations receive delivery on specific days.  For example if you set location 1 to receive commissary delivery on Tuesday and Friday, then they’ll have … Continued
Commissary Mass Fulfillment

Commissary Mass Fulfillment

The commissary can manage all orders at the same time from the mass fulfillment screen.  This is the main window used by the commissary.  Here they can view a list of orders based on filters they set such as a specific date range, for specific locations, and for specific status’ such as Open, Submitted, etc.  From here they can print reports such as a consolidated production list and packing slips, and can also move orders along the workflow status’ from Submitted – Shipped – Fulfilled, and can update quantity fulfilled on the items they weren’t able to ship in full. … Continued
Commissary – Customer Portal

Commissary – Customer Portal

  Utilizing the Commissary Feature in Restaurant365, external Customers can create Commissary Orders from within the Commissary Customer Portal.  This training will cover the Commissary Customer Portal, for further information on the Commissary Feature in Restaurant365, please refer to the Commissary Overview & Security training. The Commissary Customer Portal functionality is part of the Commissary Feature and is included in the cost of the Commissary Feature.  Please contact Restaurant365 Support for more information about adding the Commissary Feature to your Restaurant365 instance.   Commissary Customer Portal Setup In order to enable the use of the Commissary Customer Portal, Customer Records must … Continued