Item Price Verification

Item Price Verification

Displays the average price paid for key items over a period of time and compares those to the contracted price and also the high and low for the time period.  Use this report to ensure that the price paid for items is the same across all your stores
Historical Sales

Historical Sales

Historical Sales (sales data that occurred prior to cut-over) can be imported in a simplified manner in to Restaurant365.  Historical Sales are created using the R365 Historical Sales import template.  Historical Sales exist in Restaurant365 for the comparison purposes only.  Historical Sales will appear as the prior year (PY) comparison values for current sales on the Flash Report and Weekly Review Report.  Click here for more information on the Flash Report. The Historical Sales import template consists of the following four columns:     Click here to download the R365 Historical Sales Import Template
Item Theoretical Quantity Analysis

Item Theoretical Quantity Analysis

Items used totals for any span of periods, then broken down by locations.  The report utilizes purchases, stock counts, and budgets based on the quantity of menu items sold (Pmix) to come up with a difference between actual and expected.  It then breaks down how much of the difference is attributable to item quantity increases/decreases, waste & spoilage, and all other reasons.  From this report the user can easily see where to focus time and energy tightening the control of food costs.
My Reports: Report Roles Setup

My Reports: Report Roles Setup

Report Roles must be created in order to access the Reports located in ‘My Reports’.  Click here for more information about My Reports Alternatively, if all users will need access to ‘All Reports’, this can be set on the User Record.  Click here for more information on granting access to ‘All Reports’   Setup Report Roles Navigate to the Report Roles Setup screen to Create and View Report Roles Hover over the ‘Administration’ menu in the Top Ribbon, then hover over the ‘Users & Security’ sub-menu and select ‘Report Roles Setup’.  The Report Roles Setup page will load in a new … Continued
Labor on Flash Report vs P&L

Labor on Flash Report vs P&L

Depending on how the POS integration is setup, labor on the flash report may not equal labor on the P&L report.  Here are some tips to understand possible reasons they differ: Possible Reason #1 (and most likely reason): Actual payroll differs from daily POS imported labor accruals The Flash Report is based on daily imported data from the POS.  It doesn’t include other adjusting journal entries made directly to GL accounts.  One journal entry most companies enter that hits payroll accounts is the actual payroll journal entry.  Most companies import labor daily from the POS which creates a daily labor accrual entry … Continued
My Reports Overview

My Reports Overview

  Overview My Reports is the home to all reports in Restaurant365.  Reports are sorted and displayed on tabs that group the reports together, including User defined ‘Favorites’.  In order to view or access any report, a User must first be assigned to a Report Role that contains the specific Report.  Users will not be able to view, or run, any Reports that are not part of that Users’ Report Role.  Report Roles can be created and managed by an administrator and can be assigned to as many or few Users as needed. Security Users with the security role of … Continued
Parent Accounts & Child Accounts

Parent Accounts & Child Accounts

GL Accounts can have a specified Parent Account (effectively making them a Child Account).  Parent Accounts allow users to group Sub-Accounts under one main Summary Account for subtotal and visual grouping on Financial Reports.  To assign a Parent Account to a GL Account, select the Account Name of the desired Parent Account on the GL Account Record A Parent Account can have as many Child Accounts as desired. Restaurant365 will support up to four levels of Parent/Child Accounts. For example: 1) Labor 2) –> Hourly Labor 3) –> –> BOH 4) –> –> –> Kitchen Child Accounts will be indented … Continued
Location Groups

Location Groups

Location Groups allow you to create different sets of locations and then you can filter reports by those location groups instead of having to select locations one at a time on each report. To create a new group follow these steps Open the Location Group window under Administration – Location Groups in the top ribbon Type the group name in the box above the Location Group Name grid and click ‘Add’.  This will add the new location group to the list. Click the name in the list to show which locations are assigned to this group in the grid on the … Continued
My Reports: Assigning Report Roles

My Reports: Assigning Report Roles

Report Roles grant access to specific Reports found in ‘My Reports’.  Click here for more information on My Reports   Assign Report Roles Report Roles can be be assigned using two different methods: Manually on the User Record Using ‘Mass Role Update’   Assign on User Record User Records are located in the ‘Users’ list in the ‘Administration’ subsection of the Accounting Module.  Open the User Record of the User that will have the Report Role assigned and navigate to the ‘User Roles’ tab. User Report Roles are located in the section located to the right of the tab.   … Continued
Item Cost % Breakout

Item Cost % Breakout

Calculates the % of the total COGS for each item and recommends items to be flagged as Key Items.  Can be filtered by location, item category, and date range. *** Use this report to determine the Key Items.  For Key Items, you will want to make sure you are counting regularly, they are included on all recipes, waste logs are kept for them, transfers are recorded, and invoices include item level invoicing.