Payroll Journal Entry Overview

Payroll Journal Entry Overview

Payroll Journal Entry Overview The Payroll Journal Entry window is used to record the journal entry from your outside payroll provider and at the same time ‘true-up’ the labor accrual entries that were created from the POS import each day of the pay period. Labor accrual entries are made from two sources: hourly wages through the POS integration by way of Job Titles and salaried wages through set daily accruals amounts on the Location setup.There are two unique fields on the Payroll Journal Entry transaction that set it apart from the normal Journal Entry transaction. There is a place to … Continued
Adding A New Bank

Adding A New Bank

When setting up Bank Accounts in your General Ledger, you may need to add a ‘Bank’ to Restaurant365.  A Bank must be created for each Bank that will be represented by Bank Accounts in your General Ledger.   Create a Bank There are two ways to create a Bank in Restaurant365, the first is from the Banking menu on the top ribbon.  Hover over Banking and select New Bank The second option is to create a Bank from within a Bank Account Record that you are setting up.  First confirm that your Bank does not already exist in the system by clicking … Continued
Entering Beginning Balance Transactions

Entering Beginning Balance Transactions

When implementing Restaurant365 you will need to input beginning balance transactions for GL Balances, Open AP Transactions, Open AR Transactions, and Unreconciled Bank Transactions.  The majority of beginning balance items will be imported during the implementation process.  However, after go-live you may identify some discrepancies that may require you to add some additional beginning balance transactions. To add a new beginning balance transaction for GL Balances, Open AP, Open AR, or Unreconciled Bank Items, follow the steps below.   Select ‘Administration’ in the top ribbon and then select ‘New Beginning Balance’.  This will open a list of available beginning balance options. Available Beginning Balance Transaction Options AP … Continued
Parent Accounts & Child Accounts

Parent Accounts & Child Accounts

GL Accounts can have a specified Parent Account (effectively making them a Child Account).  Parent Accounts allow users to group Sub-Accounts under one main Summary Account for subtotal and visual grouping on Financial Reports.  To assign a Parent Account to a GL Account, select the Account Name of the desired Parent Account on the GL Account Record A Parent Account can have as many Child Accounts as desired. Restaurant365 will support up to four levels of Parent/Child Accounts. For example: 1) Labor 2) –> Hourly Labor 3) –> –> BOH 4) –> –> –> Kitchen Child Accounts will be indented … Continued
Adding a New GL Account, Bank Account, or Checkbook

Adding a New GL Account, Bank Account, or Checkbook

How do I add a new GL account? Before adding a new account, it is always a good rule of thumb to begin by reviewing your current list of accounts so as to avoid creating a duplicate or extremely similar account to one that already exists. Let’s review a quick list of our existing accounts by clicking on the GL Accounts list in the General Ledger section of the Navigation Pane.   Here I see a list of all my accounts, sorted by number.   When you are ready to create a new account, click on the words ‘New Account’ … Continued
Move Account List From Quickbooks to Restaurant365

Move Account List From Quickbooks to Restaurant365

If you use Quickbooks and are now setting up Restaurant365, moving your account list over is easy.  Just follow the steps below: In Quickbooks go to Reports – List and run the Account Listing report On this report click Excel at the top of the window and choose Create New Worksheet On the window that pops up select “Create a comma separated values (.csv) file” and then click Export In the window that pops up give the file a name and note where you are saving the file Account Numbers are required in Restaurant365 so if you weren’t using account numbers in … Continued
GL Types

GL Types

GL Types, or rather General Ledger Types, are predefined groups for GL Account Records.  GL Types are used for the sorting, grouping and subtotal of GL Accounts on Financial Reports (Balance Sheet and P&L).  GL Type is a required field on the GL Account Record. GL Type Presets GL Types are customizable to meet the reporting needs of your organization.  Restaurant365 has the following GL Type presets: Create GL Type To create a GL Type, a User with the Accounting Manager Security Role can hover over the Account options on the top ribbon and select ‘New GL Type’. This will open up a … Continued
Upload File

Upload File

Records throughout Restaurant365 have a button near the bottom of each page labeled ‘Upload File’.  This allows the user to upload an attachment to that particular record. Uploading attachments to records can be very useful for audit purposes, and is especially useful for AP Invoices.  A user can attach a PDF version of an invoice to the actual accounting record of the AP Invoice.   Uploading a file To upload a file to a record in Restaurant365, click the ‘Upload File’ button on the record you wish to attach a file to.  This will open a file selector prompt, where upon selecting … Continued
Bank Account Record

Bank Account Record

GL Accounts can also be classified as Bank Accounts by checking the ‘Is Bank Account’ checkbox on the GL Account Record.  Click here for more information on GL Account Records.  To create a new Bank Account, please see the Add a New Bank Account training.   When a GL Account is identified as a Bank Account, the GL Account will appear in the Bank Accounts List view (located under Banking in the Accounting Module), additionally the GL Account will be made available on the Bank Activity and Bank Reconciliation screens.  Click here for more information on Bank Activity, and Bank Reconciliation. The checkbox highlighted … Continued
New Journal Entry

New Journal Entry

This tutorial will walk you through the necessary steps for creating a New Journal Entry. Note: If you are entering a large journal entry, like a Payroll Journal Entry from your payroll provider, you may want to use the ‘Journal Entry Import Function’. This functionality will you allow to import a pre-defined template specific to your providers journal entry details. Click on this link to access the Importing Journal Entries tutorial. You can also use the ‘Memorized Transaction’ function, that allows the user to create a Journal Entry Template that can be used over and over again. Click on this … Continued