Upload File

Upload File

Records throughout Restaurant365 have a button near the bottom of each page labeled ‘Upload File’.  This allows the user to upload an attachment to that particular record. Uploading attachments to records can be very useful for audit purposes, and is especially useful for AP Invoices.  A user can attach a PDF version of an invoice to the actual accounting record of the AP Invoice.   Uploading a file To upload a file to a record in Restaurant365, click the ‘Upload File’ button on the record you wish to attach a file to.  This will open a file selector prompt, where upon selecting … Continued
Payment Terms

Payment Terms

Payment Terms are used throughout Restaurant365 to specify the Terms in which a payment should be received.  There are five Payment Term Pre-sets that exist when the system is created.  Apart from those five payment terms, users will need to create and manage the Payment Terms necessary for their organization. Create Payment Terms To Create a new Payment Term, hover over Administration on the top ribbon, and click New Payment Term.  Additionally you can type in the name of a Payment Term in any Payment Terms selector boxes (on Customer, AP/AR Invoices etc.) and if the record does not exist, … Continued
Split U of M

Split U of M

Split U of Ms exist on the Vendor Item Record for the purpose of EDI integrations.  In the event of Split Cases on non-EDI Vendors, the correct U of M could be manually selected on the AP Invoice screen. When a Vendor Invoice is imported via EDI and the Vendor file has a Split Indicator, the EDI process can read and detect that the line item is a ‘Split’ case.  This capability exists for the following Vendors: Sysco US Food Service R365 Multi-Invoice Fintech (coming soon) The Vendor will prepare the invoice file with the split indicators in place.  To … Continued
Print 1099 Forms

Print 1099 Forms

Restaurant365 can create and generate 1099 forms for your 1099 Vendors (Vendors you pay in excess of $600 in a calendar year). 1099 Vendor Setup To use the 1099 Form feature, the Vendor must first be established as a 1099 Vendor.  To do so, open the Vendor Record, and navigate to the Vendor Additional Info tab.  Select the correct 1099 box in the dropdown, and enter the Tax ID information for the Vendor. Click here for more information about Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) from IRS.gov. Blank 1099 Stock 1099 Forms are available from the IRS free of charge (4 to … Continued
Vendor Contract Price Verification

Vendor Contract Price Verification

Sometimes a vendor may invoice for product at a different price than they have contracted with you.  In these cases the system can warn you that a contract violation has occurred.  Setting up a contract price for a vendor item is simple and once set the system will automatically validate it when invoices are entered and invoices with violations will also be highlighted during a check run. Setup Vendor contract prices are set on Vendor Item records and can be done individually or mass imported. Individual Vendor Item update Go to the Vendor Item list (Operations – Inventory – Vendor … Continued
Vendor Item Record

Vendor Item Record

Vendor Item Vendor Items can be setup to set a few fields for an item for a specific vendor. These records aren’t required and if no item vendor record exists then the values on the item are used instead. In order to import an invoice from a vendor then Vendor Item records are required and if missing then a record will be created during import and the user can finish setting up the record after the import completes. Vendor Item fields are: Item: Lookup of item record Vendor: Lookup of vendor record Vendor Item Number: Text field of the number … Continued
Unassigned Vendor – Accounts Payable

Unassigned Vendor – Accounts Payable

Conditions in which UNASSIGNED VENDOR appears on AP Aging Report The UNASSIGNED VENDOR is a System Generated Vendor that appears on the AP Aging Report when the following conditions occur: 1. A difference exists between the AP Beginning Balance (the opening balance for the Accounts Payable GL Account) and the sum of all imported Open AP Invoices Beginning Balance transactions (AP Invoice – Beginning Balance transactions that were imported at cut-over).  In addition to appearing on the AP Aging report, the ‘System Setup’ tab will be present in the ‘To Do Checklist’ notifying the User that the AP Beginning Balance … Continued
ACH Reports

ACH Reports

Note: Although most Banks allow for ACH upload, please double-check to ensure your account type within your Bank allows for ACH uploading.   Restaurant365 recommends sending your Bank Representative a sample of the following available ACH Report Types.  The ‘ACH Export Default 1’ report is the National standard used by most Banks.      ACH Exports can be produced on the Check Run.  Click here for more information on how to Set-up ACH Payment Settings on the Vendor Record. In order to produce the ACH Export file, the ACH Report must first be assigned on the Bank Record.  Click here for … Continued
Item Costing

Item Costing

Overview: The system is equipped with multiple fields to help track item cost based on purchases and stock counts. This feature requires additional setup and maintenance elements. Setup There are  five different records in Restaurant365 that will drive item costing functionality: Vendors Units of Measure Purchased Items Item Location (Optional) Vendor Items (Optional) Vendors   On the vendor record the dropdown field named Entry can be set to ‘by Account’ or ‘by Item.’ If ‘by Item’ is selected then when invoices are entered for this vendor the item detail grid will display, if ‘by Account’ then the account grid will … Continued
Adding a Contact

Adding a Contact

You can add new contacts in Restaurant365 in various areas of the different modules. In most cases, your contact is related to a Vendor or Customer. If so, it is best to open the Vendor or Customer Record, and directly add the Contact in the Contact Section. Adding from this areas is the most streamlined approach, because it automatically links the Contact to a Record, and it auto-populates the address and phone information for ease of entry. To add a Contact click on ‘Primary Contact’ or type a value in to the Primary Contact field and then hit tab or enter.  This will … Continued