Gift Cards and Certificates

Gift Cards and Certificates

Gift Card Sales Gift card sales are imported from the POS each night on their respective sales tickets. This is imported as a sales item on that ticket with the corresponding category you’ve assigned in the POS. On the DSS journal entry this will credit the GL Account you’ve specified in the R365 Sales Account mapping. This is usually Gift Card Liability and as shown in the screenshot below of your sales accounts where the category is related to gift cards, that is the case. Gift Card Payments When a customer pays with a gift card this also comes over … Continued
Payment Type Accounts Overview

Payment Type Accounts Overview

Purpose & Overview:  Payment Type Accounts are required for all POS integrations to Restaurant365 in the same way Sales Accounts are. A Payment Type Account’s purpose is to tell Restaurant365 what GL Account to debit when accounting for individual sales tickets imported from the POS. It is a ‘mapping’ of tenders, discounts, and other offsets/reductions to the sale of goods in the POS system, to a Restaurant365 GL Account. Here is a diagram & example: The Restaurant365 POS integration automatically creates unique Payment Type Account records (in R365) for every payment & discount from sales tickets imported from the POS … Continued
What Do I Do If My POS Numbers Don’t Match Restaurant365?

What Do I Do If My POS Numbers Don’t Match Restaurant365?

Restaurant365 provides a very powerful and reliable integration with your POS system. In the rare event that your POS sales numbers don’t match the DSS record in Restaurant365, here are the steps you should take: Check to make sure the POS was closed out and completed before the Restaurant365 integration ran. If not, re-run the the integration for that day using the Import Tool. Check to see if any changes have been made to your POS. If there have been, please make us aware of these changes. Review your Restaurant 365 Sales Accounts, Payment Type Accounts and Job Titles to … Continued
Sales Accounts Overview

Sales Accounts Overview

Purpose and Overview: Sales Accounts are required for all POS integrations to Restaurant365 in the same way that Payment Type Accounts are. A Sales Account’s purpose is to tell Restaurant365 what GL Account to credit when accounting for individual sales tickets imported from the POS. It is a ‘mapping’ of POS Sales Categories and POS Service Types to a Restaurant365 General Leger Account. Here is a diagram & example: The Restaurant365 POS integration automatically creates unique Sales Account records (in R365) for every combination of Sales Category and Service Type from sales tickets imported from the POS to R365. Each … Continued
POS Integration Overview

POS Integration Overview

Restaurant365 integrates with many POS systems. Here is an overview what the integrations create in Restaurant365 each time it is run:   System Requirements – The machine housing the integration must have at least .net 4.0 and Internet Explorer 9. Frequency – The integration can be configured to run automatically each night. It can also be run on-demand at the end of the day by one of the store managers. Data Flow – The integration is a one-way integration from the POS system to Restaurant365. Restaurant365 does not pass any information back to the POS system. Data – The integration … Continued
Unit of Measure

Unit of Measure

Unit of Measure – Base Types Units of Measure are used throughout Restaurant365 for Inventory, Purchased/Vendor Items, Recipe Costing, Commissary Items, and Catering Item tracking.  Units of Measure (U of M) are completely customizable and you can have as many, or as few as you need.  There are three Base U of M that all other U of Ms must be equated to either directly, or indirectly through other U of Ms.  These three Base Units of Measure are: Volume Base for this type = OZ-fl Examples: OZ-fl, Cup, Gallon, Quart Weight Base for this type = OZ-wt Examples: OZ-wt, LB, KG, … Continued
Manager Daily Comment

Manager Daily Comment

Restaurant Managers have access to the Manager menu on the top ribbon in Restaurant365.  Currently there are two options on the Manager menu: 1) Daily Comment and 2) Employee Review Note.  As this menu is specific to Operations Managers, and not Accounting Users, only users with the Security Role of Restaurant Manager will see this menu in the top ribbon. Note: for the features in the Manager menu to function properly, Restaurant Managers must have a Default Location assigned on their User record.  If no Default Location is assigned, no comment boxes will appear on the Daily Comment screen.   Daily Comment … Continued
Sell Only Items (Merchandise) sold through the POS with Recipe Costing

Sell Only Items (Merchandise) sold through the POS with Recipe Costing

For Sell Only items, items used exclusively/made available for AR Invoices, some added steps need to be taken to be able to sell those items through the POS and capture the costs using Inventory Counts and Recipe Costing. Preparing the Items First the Sell Only Item needs to be converted to a Purchased Item.  For Sell Only Items that have already been created in Restaurant365, this is a process that requires assistance from the Restaurant365 Support team.  If the items have not yet been created or imported in to Restaurant365, then in place of creating Sell Only Items, Purchased Items can … Continued
Troubleshooting Missing Daily Sales Summary

Troubleshooting Missing Daily Sales Summary

Missing Daily Sales Summary In the event that the Daily Sales Summary (DSS) does not automatically import, following the close of the preceding daily sales, try the following steps before contacting Restaurant365 Support:   1) Ensure that the Back Office Computer is running 2) Ensure that the Back Office Computer has an active internet connection   If the computer was off, or the internet was down, the auto-import tool cannot run.  Continue to the options listed below   Options: Manually import the Daily Sales Summary via the Restaurant365 Auto-Import Tool Note: This option is only available on Non Cloud-based POS … Continued
Manually Delete DSS

Manually Delete DSS

To manually delete a DSS file, a User must have the primary security role of ‘Accounting Manager’ or the secondary security role of ‘Master Record Delete’.  Click here for more information on Security Roles A User with the requisite security would navigate to the Daily Sales Summary list view in the Operations Module, select the DSSs that will be deleted, and click the ‘Delete Selected’ button in the filter ribbon Important Notes / Warnings:  The Deletion process can take several minutes.  Once clicking ‘Delete Selected’, do not refresh the page or hit the refresh arrows on the table.  Many records … Continued