Entering Invoices at the Restaurant Location

Entering Invoices at the Restaurant Location

Welcome to the ‘AP Invoice for Managers’ video tutorial for entering invoices at the restaurant location. The AP Invoice is part of Purchasing within the Operations module of Restaurant365. During this training we will cover the following features and topics: Launching a new AP Invoice Recording Invoice Adjustments Entering Line Items By the way, sometimes you will see the term Accounts Payable abbreviated or referred to as “AP” in the system and on reports. One of the most important things profitable restaurants do is closely track their food & beverage costs on a weekly basis. Doing so can lower a … Continued
AP Imports: Missing Items

AP Imports: Missing Items

  Missing Items are automatically created in Restaurant365 when an AP Transaction is imported and includes a Vendor Item Number that does not exist.  Click here for more information on Importing AP Transactions.  The following are scenarios in which a Missing Item would be created: Customer purchases new product not previously purchased Vendor Discontinues product and replaces product with similar product / different brand Vendor Changes Item Number of product Customer purchases different case pack of product with different Item Number For issues #1 and #2, a new Purchased Item will need to be created All four issues will require … Continued
Voiding a Transaction

Voiding a Transaction

Definition: Voiding a transaction creates a second transaction in the system that has the exact opposite effect as the original transaction and is automatically applied to the original transaction – thus nullifying completely the original transaction but leaves the transaction in the system for future reference. Typically, voiding is used when you want to ‘Delete’ a transaction on a different day than when it was originally created. This can happen when financials or aging reports have been shared with outside parties and subsequent changes need to be made to your records without changing the data as it was sent out. … Continued
AP Imports: Manual Importing

AP Imports: Manual Importing

AP Transactions can be manually imported in to Restaurant365. Manually importing AP Transactions requires the use of specific import templates. Transactions can be imported by Item, or by Account.  Click here for information on EDI Vendor Integrations, and Restaurant365 AP Import Templates Step 1: Hover over ‘Vendor’ menu and select ‘Import AP Transaction’ Step 2: Import  The Import Form will load where you can click ‘Select File’ to open a file explorer and select the completed Template / transaction file. Click ‘Open’ to import the file. If the import was successful, the number of records created will be displayed. These … Continued
Unassigned Vendor – Accounts Payable

Unassigned Vendor – Accounts Payable

Conditions in which UNASSIGNED VENDOR appears on AP Aging Report The UNASSIGNED VENDOR is a System Generated Vendor that appears on the AP Aging Report when the following conditions occur: 1. A difference exists between the AP Beginning Balance (the opening balance for the Accounts Payable GL Account) and the sum of all imported Open AP Invoices Beginning Balance transactions (AP Invoice – Beginning Balance transactions that were imported at cut-over).  In addition to appearing on the AP Aging report, the ‘System Setup’ tab will be present in the ‘To Do Checklist’ notifying the User that the AP Beginning Balance … Continued
Entering Beginning Balance Transactions

Entering Beginning Balance Transactions

When implementing Restaurant365 you will need to input beginning balance transactions for GL Balances, Open AP Transactions, Open AR Transactions, and Unreconciled Bank Transactions.  The majority of beginning balance items will be imported during the implementation process.  However, after go-live you may identify some discrepancies that may require you to add some additional beginning balance transactions. To add a new beginning balance transaction for GL Balances, Open AP, Open AR, or Unreconciled Bank Items, follow the steps below.   Select ‘Administration’ in the top ribbon and then select ‘New Beginning Balance’.  This will open a list of available beginning balance options. Available Beginning Balance Transaction Options AP … Continued
Documents to Process Overview

Documents to Process Overview

  Overview Documents to Process is a feature in Restaurant365 that allows Users to upload a PDF or scanned image of an AP Invoice (or AP Credit Memo) to the system and then enter the details of the transaction at a later time.  This is different from the EDI process where invoice details can be imported from a CSV file.  Documents to Process exists for the instances when an importable CSV format of an Invoice does not exist, and transaction details must be entered by a User in to the system Benefits of the Documents to Process feature: Multiple AP / CM Transaction files can be … Continued
Payment Terms

Payment Terms

Payment Terms are used throughout Restaurant365 to specify the Terms in which a payment should be received.  There are five Payment Term Pre-sets that exist when the system is created.  Apart from those five payment terms, users will need to create and manage the Payment Terms necessary for their organization. Create Payment Terms To Create a new Payment Term, hover over Administration on the top ribbon, and click New Payment Term.  Additionally you can type in the name of a Payment Term in any Payment Terms selector boxes (on Customer, AP/AR Invoices etc.) and if the record does not exist, … Continued
Upload File

Upload File

Records throughout Restaurant365 have a button near the bottom of each page labeled ‘Upload File’.  This allows the user to upload an attachment to that particular record. Uploading attachments to records can be very useful for audit purposes, and is especially useful for AP Invoices.  A user can attach a PDF version of an invoice to the actual accounting record of the AP Invoice.   Uploading a file To upload a file to a record in Restaurant365, click the ‘Upload File’ button on the record you wish to attach a file to.  This will open a file selector prompt, where upon selecting … Continued
Entering Invoices at Corporate

Entering Invoices at Corporate

Purpose: To create new invoices in the system at the corporate location. Create a new AP Invoice by clicking on the ‘Vendor Actions’ Tab in the top Ribbon, then select Invoice in the drop down. A new window will open with the name “Unsaved AP Invoice”.   A new window will open with the name “AP Invoice”. The cursor begins in the Number field. This is the vendor’s invoice number. Enter the number provided by the vendor and ‘Tab’ into the next field called “Company (Vendor).” Note: If you are entering a large invoice, like a food invoice from your … Continued