Entering Invoices at Corporate

Entering Invoices at Corporate

Purpose: To create new invoices in the system at the corporate location. Create a new AP Invoice by clicking on the ‘Vendor Actions’ Tab in the top Ribbon, then select Invoice in the drop down. A new window will open with the name “Unsaved AP Invoice”.   A new window will open with the name “AP Invoice”. The cursor begins in the Number field. This is the vendor’s invoice number. Enter the number provided by the vendor and ‘Tab’ into the next field called “Company (Vendor).” Note: If you are entering a large invoice, like a food invoice from your … Continued
Manual Payment

Manual Payment

A Manual Payment is used for creating a single Ap Payment for a single Vendor.  Manual Payments can be created before the corresponding AP Invoice has been entered in to Restaurant365. To create a Manual Payment, hover over the Vendor menu in the top ribbon and select ‘Manual Payment’.  A blank AP Payment form will open in a new tab   Manual Payment Enter a Manual Payment Select the Checking Account that will provide the funds for the AP Payment.  The Number field will populate with the next check number for the selected Account.  The Location will populate based on the … Continued
Importing Journal Entries

Importing Journal Entries

Journal Entries can be entered in to Restaurant365 various ways.  This article will discuss how Journal Entries can be imported through the use of .CSV templates.  Journal Entry templates can be imported using either of the following methods: Import and create one or more new Journal Entries Import Journal Entry Details in to a single existing Journal Entry The importing process for each method will be outlined below:   Method 1 – Creating New Journal Entries via Import Step 1: Obtain R365 JE Import Template To begin creating Journal Entries via Import, first obtain the R365 JE Import Template and Documentation files.  Click here for a … Continued
Intercompany Transactions

Intercompany Transactions

The automated intercompany process in the system will automatically create Due To and Due From entries on the distribution of intercompany transactions.  A transaction is deemed intercompany if the location in the header belongs to a different legal entity than a location in the detail rows belongs to.  The intercompany entries are added to the distribution after hitting Save or Approve. The Legal Entity form has fields for “Due From Account” and “Due To Account” and these are the accounts that will be used in intercompany distributions.  The process below describes an example of how this would work. Assume we … Continued
Reconciling Credit Cards

Reconciling Credit Cards

In order to reconcile a credit card, the credit card must be set up like a bank account so that you can create reconciliations for that account. For more information on setting up accounts click here. After you have set up the credit card as a bank account and have began to accrue activity, you will start a bank reconciliation for that account. For more information on bank reconciliations click here. The main thing to remember when starting a bank reconciliation for a credit card account, is that the credit card is a liability. Consequently, you will need to change the beginning and … Continued
Move Customer List From Quickbooks to Restaurant365

Move Customer List From Quickbooks to Restaurant365

If you use Quickbooks and are now setting up Restaurant365, moving your customer list over is easy.  Just follow the steps below: In Quickbooks go to Reports – List and run the Customer Contact List report On this report click the “Customize Report” button in the upper left corner In the window that pops up, in the Columns box, select the following columns (and uncheck any others that might be selected).  Be sure to choose this exact list of columns, then click OK Active Status, Customer, Phone, Fax, Contact, Bill From 1, Bill From Street 1, Bill From Street 2, Bill From City, … Continued
Documents to Process: Upload Methods

Documents to Process: Upload Methods

Documentst to Process Upload Methods Documents to Process is a feature in Restaurant365 that allows Users to upload a PDF or scanned image of an AP Invoice (or AP Credit Memo) to the system and then enter the details of the transaction at a later time.  The recommended file format for use in Documents to Process is PDF.  Various Vendors will provide Invoices electronically (in PDF form) while other Vendors will only provide physical copies of Invoices.  When physical invoices are received, a User can utilize any scanning technology to produce a PDF scan of the physical invoice (Scanner used in conjunction with a Computer, … Continued
Check Run – Creating Payments

Check Run – Creating Payments

The Check Run screen provides a User with a list of Approved AP Invoices.  The User can then apply AP Credit Memos & Discounts, create AP Payments, print Checks, and produce ACH and Positive Pay exports for selected invoices.  Click here for more information on the Check Run Overview   Create Checks   Upon selecting all Invoices that will be paid, the User clicks on ‘Create Checks’ to open the Payments Created prompt.  Within the prompt various actions are available depending on the Invoices that were selected to be paid. Certain prerequisites are required in order to produce all of the … Continued
Importing AP Transactions: Overview

Importing AP Transactions: Overview

AP Transactions can be imported from CSV files in to Restaurant365.  Unlike Documents to Process, which requires a User to process the data at a later time, Imported AP Transactions contain all of the transaction details and are ready for review and approval upon being imported.   Transaction Detail Options AP Transactions can be imported as complete Transactions, or as AP Invoice Details in to an existing AP Invoice Multi-Transaction – Import multiple AP Invoices and/or AP Credit Memos from a single file AP Invoice Details – Import transaction details in to one AP Invoice from a single file   Import Methods Multi-Transaction files can be … Continued
How do I print checks?

How do I print checks?

These are the options for printing a check: 1. Pay Bill: Enter Invoice and click Pay Bill at top of screen and then click Create Checks on screen that opens up – If you want to enter and invoice and pay it at the same time. 2.Check Run screen: Enter invoices separately and then do New Check Run when you’re ready to pay them all (most commonly used for weekly check runs). 3. Manual Payment: If you want to cut a check for a vendor but don’t have the invoice yet, you can do a manual payment. and click Print … Continued