System Preferences: Miscellaneous

System Preferences: Miscellaneous

Overview The ‘Miscellaneous’ tab resides on the System Preferences screen and contains various system settings that effect how data is displayed, created, and updated throughout Restaurant365.  Click here for more information on System Preferences. 1) Sales Tax Rate – Set the default Sales Tax Rate for AR Transactions.  Sales Tax Rates for each Location can be set on the Location Record 2) PL Report Percent Of – Sets the default ‘Percent of’ option on all GL Accounts that have GL Types on the Profit and Loss statement.  Click here for more information on Report Settings.  System Default is ‘Net Sales’.  Options include: … Continued
POS Integration Settings – POS Groups

POS Integration Settings – POS Groups

  Overview POS Groups are groupings of Concepts or POS Systems.  POS Groups are exclusively used as a form of POS System Payment Type Separation and POS System Sales Account Separation.  Separating Payment Types / Sales Accounts by POS Group is particularly useful for large organizations with multiple concepts.  In place of managing several hundred Payment Types or Sales Accounts from across the entire organization, now Payment Types and Sales Accounts can be managed by Concept through POS Groups.  Click here for more information on POS Integration Settings   Steps to Create and Assign POS Groups Step 1 – Select ‘POS Group’ in … Continued
POS Integration Settings – Overview

POS Integration Settings – Overview

The POS Integration is governed by several settings in Restaurant365.  These settings reside on various screens and can be accessed and updated by a User with the ‘Accounting Manager’ Primary Security Role and ‘User Setup’ Secondary Security Role.  The following articles detail the screens where POS Integration Settings can be accessed and updated as needed Preferences Screen Location Record POS Groups     *Click here for more information on all settings located in System Preference
POS Integration Settings – Preferences Screen

POS Integration Settings – Preferences Screen

The POS Integration is governed by a number of Settings in Restaurant365.  These settings reside on various screens and can be accessed and updated by a User with the ‘Accounting Manager’ security role.  Click here for more information about POS Integration Settings Several elements of the POS Integration Settings are managed on the ‘Miscellaneous’ tab of the ‘Preferences’ screen. To open the ‘Preferences’ screen, hover over the ‘Administration’ menu in the top ribbon and select ‘Preferences’   Doing so will open the ‘Preferences’ screen in a new tab.  Upon loading, navigate to the ‘Miscellaneous’ tab to make any desired adjustments. Legend: … Continued