Franchisee Daily Sales

Franchisee Daily Sales

Franchisee Daily Sales are individual records for each franchisee location each day with the sum total of sales for the day at each location.  These records can be imported or hand entered and are used in the automated franchisee billing process as well as available in reports. To view existing records go to Franchising – Franchisee Daily Sales in left hand navigation.  Records can be opened from this view by clicking on the desired row and then edited or deleted from the form that opens. To create new records go to Franchising – Daily Sales Entry in top ribbon. In … Continued
Franchisee Locations (Stores)

Franchisee Locations (Stores)

Franchisee Locations (also referred to as stores) are records for each restaurant store that your franchisees own.  They are stored as a special type of Customer in the system since you may want to send invoices to these stores.  On the Franchisee Location (store) record you store the following details: Franchisee Location (store) contact information (Name and Address etc.) Upload and attach contracts and other pertinent documents for the location Store ACH payment information Create/view the different fees charged to the store Record any reviews you’ve conducted of this franchisee To view existing franchisee locations go to Franchising – Franchisee Locations in left … Continued
Franchisee Setup

Franchisee Setup

Franchisees are the top level group in the franchising module that may own 1 or more franchise location stores.  On this record you store details about this franchisee, how you will bill them, view their list of stores, and create and view people who are your contacts at this franchisee. To view existing franchisees go to Franchising – Franchisees in left hand navigation and click on the one you want to open To create a new Franchisee go to Franchising – New Franchisee (in ribbon) and populate the fields as described below: Populate the Name (required) and then populate other fields as … Continued
Franchising Module Overview

Franchising Module Overview

The franchising module assists restaurant groups in tracking franchisees, each franchisee location, contracts, franchisee daily sales, and automates franchisee billing/ACH payment collection.  To access this module, select it from the drop down at the top of the left hand navigation pane.  Below is a brief description of the different elements of this module: Franchisee – this is the top level franchisee that may own 1 or more franchise location stores.  On this record you store details about this franchisee, how you will bill them, view their list of stores, and create and view people who are your contacts at this franchisee. … Continued
Customer Record

Customer Record

The Customer Record is where the Customer specific information for each Customer resides in the system.  Once you have opened a Customer Record, the General Tab of the record will be displayed.  In addition to the information found on the General tab, Customer Additional Info, Customer related Open Transactions, Customer related All Transactions, Customer related Contacts, and Customer Locations are available to users.  Additionally, for those using the Franchising Module, Franchisee Additional Info will also be made available on Customers identified as Franchisee Location Customers. To add a new Customer, hover over the Customer tab in the top ribbon, and click New Customer.  This will open up a new tab with … Continued
Franchisee Billing Process

Franchisee Billing Process

Franchisee Billing is the process you can run to auto-create AR Invoices to bill each of your franchisees for fees incurred in a specific date range.  If the franchisee is setup for ACH payment then this process also creates an ACH payment applied to the invoice and an ACH export file that can be uploaded to the bank to transfer the money from their account to yours. To start the process click Franchising – Franchisee Billing in the top ribbon.  The fields on this form are as follows: Invoice Date – date to be set as the date of the AR … Continued