Job Titles

Job Titles

This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module   Purpose & Overview Jobs are used in various ways by the system.  They are assigned to employees and used by the scheduling module.  They are also used in conjunction with the POS integration to track employee punches which make up the labor accrual journal entry.  The job form will be described directly below followed by sections describing the job’s effect on the POS integration and labor accruals.   Creating/Viewing/Editing Jobs Jobs can be created in 2 ways.  They are most often created by … Continued
Payroll Journal Entry Overview

Payroll Journal Entry Overview

Payroll Journal Entry Overview The Payroll Journal Entry window is used to record the journal entry from your outside payroll provider and at the same time ‘true-up’ the labor accrual entries that were created from the POS import each day of the pay period. Labor accrual entries are made from two sources: hourly wages through the POS integration by way of Job Titles and salaried wages through set daily accruals amounts on the Location setup.There are two unique fields on the Payroll Journal Entry transaction that set it apart from the normal Journal Entry transaction. There is a place to … Continued
Labor on Flash Report vs P&L

Labor on Flash Report vs P&L

Depending on how the POS integration is setup, labor on the flash report may not equal labor on the P&L report.  Here are some tips to understand possible reasons they differ: Possible Reason #1 (and most likely reason): Actual payroll differs from daily POS imported labor accruals The Flash Report is based on daily imported data from the POS.  It doesn’t include other adjusting journal entries made directly to GL accounts.  One journal entry most companies enter that hits payroll accounts is the actual payroll journal entry.  Most companies import labor daily from the POS which creates a daily labor accrual entry … Continued
System Preferences: Miscellaneous

System Preferences: Miscellaneous

Overview The ‘Miscellaneous’ tab resides on the System Preferences screen and contains various system settings that effect how data is displayed, created, and updated throughout Restaurant365.  Click here for more information on System Preferences. 1) Sales Tax Rate – Set the default Sales Tax Rate for AR Transactions.  Sales Tax Rates for each Location can be set on the Location Record 2) PL Report Percent Of – Sets the default ‘Percent of’ option on all GL Accounts that have GL Types on the Profit and Loss statement.  Click here for more information on Report Settings.  System Default is ‘Net Sales’.  Options include: … Continued
Journal Entry Import Templates

Journal Entry Import Templates

Overview Journal Entries can be imported in to Restaurant365 using CSV templates.  Click here for the Journal Entries Overview page.  Two types of Journal Entries can be imported in to Restaurant365: Journal Entry Payroll Journal Entry Each type can be imported using the same template, the ‘R365 JE Import Template.csv’, provided in Table 1 below.  Journal Entries and Payroll Journal Entries can be imported by hovering over the ‘Account’ menu in the top ribbon and selecting ‘Import Journal Entry’.  Click here for more information on Importing Journal Entries   Journal Entry / Payroll Journal Entry Template [table id=18 /]   … Continued
Importing Journal Entries

Importing Journal Entries

Journal Entries can be entered in to Restaurant365 various ways.  This article will discuss how Journal Entries can be imported through the use of .CSV templates.  Journal Entry templates can be imported using either of the following methods: Import and create one or more new Journal Entries Import Journal Entry Details in to a single existing Journal Entry The importing process for each method will be outlined below:   Method 1 – Creating New Journal Entries via Import Step 1: Obtain R365 JE Import Template To begin creating Journal Entries via Import, first obtain the R365 JE Import Template and Documentation files.  Click here for a … Continued
Creating a Memorized Journal Entry

Creating a Memorized Journal Entry

Recurring Transactions are set up using memorized transactions. The Memorized Transaction functionality allows the user to save a template that can be used over and over again (automatically or manually) without having to re-key all the details. For your monthly payroll expense you might want to use a memorized Journal Entry. Step 1 – Create a Journal Entry or use an existing entry. In this example we have created Rent Journal Entry. Then Memorize the entry by going to Action>Memorize.This will open the Memorize window with the fields described below: Memorized Template Name – type the name you want for the template … Continued