Upload File

Upload File

Records throughout Restaurant365 have a button near the bottom of each page labeled ‘Upload File’.  This allows the user to upload an attachment to that particular record. Uploading attachments to records can be very useful for audit purposes, and is especially useful for AP Invoices.  A user can attach a PDF version of an invoice to the actual accounting record of the AP Invoice.   Uploading a file To upload a file to a record in Restaurant365, click the ‘Upload File’ button on the record you wish to attach a file to.  This will open a file selector prompt, where upon selecting … Continued
Payment Terms

Payment Terms

Payment Terms are used throughout Restaurant365 to specify the Terms in which a payment should be received.  There are five Payment Term Pre-sets that exist when the system is created.  Apart from those five payment terms, users will need to create and manage the Payment Terms necessary for their organization. Create Payment Terms To Create a new Payment Term, hover over Administration on the top ribbon, and click New Payment Term.  Additionally you can type in the name of a Payment Term in any Payment Terms selector boxes (on Customer, AP/AR Invoices etc.) and if the record does not exist, … Continued
Split U of M

Split U of M

Split U of Ms exist on the Vendor Item Record for the purpose of EDI integrations.  In the event of Split Cases on non-EDI Vendors, the correct U of M could be manually selected on the AP Invoice screen. When a Vendor Invoice is imported via EDI and the Vendor file has a Split Indicator, the EDI process can read and detect that the line item is a ‘Split’ case.  This capability exists for the following Vendors: Sysco US Food Service R365 Multi-Invoice Fintech (coming soon) The Vendor will prepare the invoice file with the split indicators in place.  To … Continued