Journal Entries Overview

Journal Entries Overview

Overview Journal Entries can be manually entered, system generated, or imported in to Restaurant365. Security Users with the ‘Accounting Manager’ or ‘Accounting Clerk’ Security Roles will be able to create and save Journal Entries within Restaurant365.  Only Accounting Managers will be able to Approve Journal Entries.  Click here for information on assigning Security Roles   Journal Entry Articles:   Manually Enter a Journal Entry Journal Entries can be created from the ‘Account’ menu in the top ribbon.  Click here for more information on how to Manually Enter a Journal Entry Memorize a Journal Entry Click here for more information on how … Continued
Journal Entry Import Templates

Journal Entry Import Templates

Overview Journal Entries can be imported in to Restaurant365 using CSV templates.  Click here for the Journal Entries Overview page.  Two types of Journal Entries can be imported in to Restaurant365: Journal Entry Payroll Journal Entry Each type can be imported using the same template, the ‘R365 JE Import Template.csv’, provided in Table 1 below.  Journal Entries and Payroll Journal Entries can be imported by hovering over the ‘Account’ menu in the top ribbon and selecting ‘Import Journal Entry’.  Click here for more information on Importing Journal Entries   Journal Entry / Payroll Journal Entry Template [table id=18 /]   … Continued
Gross Sales vs Net Sales

Gross Sales vs Net Sales

Restaurant365′s chart of accounts comes with pre-defined ‘GL Types’ specific to the restaurant industry. They are: It is required that each of your GL Accounts be assigned to one of these GL Types.Restaurant365′s out-of-the-box financial reports group your accounts by GL Type first, then by Parent Account, then by Account Number (or Account Name if Account Number does not exist). Restaurant365′s non-Profit & Loss reports (such as the Flash Report, Sales v. Labor Report) also leverage the GL Account attribute of GL Type when determining the value to display. On all the non-Profit & Loss reports, Restaurant365 labels the summation … Continued
Adding a New GL Account, Bank Account, or Checkbook

Adding a New GL Account, Bank Account, or Checkbook

How do I add a new GL account? Before adding a new account, it is always a good rule of thumb to begin by reviewing your current list of accounts so as to avoid creating a duplicate or extremely similar account to one that already exists. Let’s review a quick list of our existing accounts by clicking on the GL Accounts list in the General Ledger section of the Navigation Pane.   Here I see a list of all my accounts, sorted by number.   When you are ready to create a new account, click on the words ‘New Account’ … Continued