Franchising Module Overview

Franchising Module Overview

The franchising module assists restaurant groups in tracking franchisees, each franchisee location, contracts, franchisee daily sales, and automates franchisee billing/ACH payment collection.  To access this module, select it from the drop down at the top of the left hand navigation pane.  Below is a brief description of the different elements of this module: Franchisee – this is the top level franchisee that may own 1 or more franchise location stores.  On this record you store details about this franchisee, how you will bill them, view their list of stores, and create and view people who are your contacts at this franchisee. … Continued
Add A Location Logo

Add A Location Logo

To add your company logo to print on your AR Invoices and Statements follow the steps below. 1. Create a Logo.bmp, Logo.jpg, or Logo.png file for your company logo 2. Add the logo to Locations with AR Transactions/Catering Events Open the Location Record and click on ‘Logo’   A new Pop-up will open. Select the Logo File and then click on ‘Open’.  This will attach the logo file to the location record.   Now when you print an AR Invoice or Statement the logo will show.   Note: You may have to adjust File Size or Resolution to adjust the size or clarity of the Logo. … Continued
Entering Beginning Balance Transactions

Entering Beginning Balance Transactions

When implementing Restaurant365 you will need to input beginning balance transactions for GL Balances, Open AP Transactions, Open AR Transactions, and Unreconciled Bank Transactions.  The majority of beginning balance items will be imported during the implementation process.  However, after go-live you may identify some discrepancies that may require you to add some additional beginning balance transactions. To add a new beginning balance transaction for GL Balances, Open AP, Open AR, or Unreconciled Bank Items, follow the steps below.   Select ‘Administration’ in the top ribbon and then select ‘New Beginning Balance’.  This will open a list of available beginning balance options. Available Beginning Balance Transaction Options AP … Continued