What Do I Do If My POS Numbers Don’t Match Restaurant365?

What Do I Do If My POS Numbers Don’t Match Restaurant365?

Restaurant365 provides a very powerful and reliable integration with your POS system. In the rare event that your POS sales numbers don’t match the DSS record in Restaurant365, here are the steps you should take: Check to make sure the POS was closed out and completed before the Restaurant365 integration ran. If not, re-run the the integration for that day using the Import Tool. Check to see if any changes have been made to your POS. If there have been, please make us aware of these changes. Review your Restaurant 365 Sales Accounts, Payment Type Accounts and Job Titles to … Continued
GL Account Record

GL Account Record

The GL Account Record is where the Account specific information for each of the GL Accounts resides in the system.  Once you have opened a GL Account Record, the General Tab of the record will be displayed.  In addition to the information found on the General tab, the Transactions, and Report Settings tabs are available to users.  To create a new GL Account, please see the Add a New GL Account training. Click the button below to download an example General Ledger populated with recommended Account Names, Account Numbers, Cash Flow Categories, Operational Reports Categories, and Parent Account from the National Restaurant Association … Continued
Advanced Budgeting

Advanced Budgeting

Advanced Budgeting in Restaurant365 allows Users to build and customize Budgets to meet the needs of their organization.  Budgets can be created for both Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement Accounts.  Budgets can be created from Prior Year Actuals or from a Blank template.  This training article will provide a comprehensive overview of every aspect and feature of Advanced Budgeting Jump to Section: Security Requirements Getting Started Budget Parameters Budget Screen Account Detail Screen Create a Budget from Blank from Prior Year Actuals from Other Budget Update a Budget Export a Budget Import a Budget Save a Budget Add Comments … Continued
Documents to Process: Uploading Files via AP Automation

Documents to Process: Uploading Files via AP Automation

Documents to Process is a feature in Restaurant365 that allows Users to upload a PDF or scanned image of an AP Invoice (or AP Credit Memo) to the system and then enter the details of the transaction at a later time.  The recommended file format for use in Documents to Process is PDF.  Various Vendors will provide Invoices electronically (in PDF form) while other Vendors will only provide physical copies of Invoices.  When physical invoices are received, a User can utilize any scanning technology to produce a PDF scan of the physical invoice (Scanner used in conjunction with a Computer, Scanner/Copier, or various mobile … Continued
Journal Entries Overview

Journal Entries Overview

Overview Journal Entries can be manually entered, system generated, or imported in to Restaurant365. Security Users with the ‘Accounting Manager’ or ‘Accounting Clerk’ Security Roles will be able to create and save Journal Entries within Restaurant365.  Only Accounting Managers will be able to Approve Journal Entries.  Click here for information on assigning Security Roles   Journal Entry Articles:   Manually Enter a Journal Entry Journal Entries can be created from the ‘Account’ menu in the top ribbon.  Click here for more information on how to Manually Enter a Journal Entry Memorize a Journal Entry Click here for more information on how … Continued
AP Credit Memo

AP Credit Memo

AP Credit Memos can be entered in Restaurant365 to record any credits that are due.  Credit Memos can then be applied to Open AP Invoices. To record an AP Credit Memo, hover over the ‘Vendor’ menu in the top ribbon and select ‘ Credit Memo’.   The AP Credit Memo form will open in a new tab: 1) Number – Enter the Credit Memo number.  If no CM Number is available, create one 2) Vendor – Select the Vendor 3) Date – Enter the CM Date 4) Comment – Add an optional CM Comment 5) Amount – Enter the CM Total Amount 6) Location – Select … Continued
Bank Withdrawal

Bank Withdrawal

  The Bank Withdrawal or Bank Expense form is used to create Payments to Non-Vendors and record Withdrawals directly from your Bank Account. No AP Invoice, AP Credit Memo, or Vendor Record will be associated with the Bank Expense. GL Accounts can be selected to separate and classify the expense amounts.  Bank Expenses are one of the several ways to create printable checks using Restaurant365.  Click here for more information on Printing Checks   Create a Bank Withdrawal / Bank Expense Hover over the ‘Banking’ menu in the Top Ribbon and select ‘Withdrawal’.  The Bank Expense form will then load in … Continued
To Do Lists

To Do Lists

The To Do Checklist is found in the left hand navigation under Accounting – Report – To Do Checklist.  This list displays various tabs with items that the system has flagged as requiring setup or attention.  If nothing is requiring attention on a specific tab, that tab won’t be displayed.  The To Do List has the following tabs: Record Setup – this tab shows a row for each record in the system missing required fields.  For example if a GL Account was missing GL Type then there would be a row for that account and the row would have a comment … Continued
Job Titles

Job Titles

This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module   Purpose & Overview Jobs are used in various ways by the system.  They are assigned to employees and used by the scheduling module.  They are also used in conjunction with the POS integration to track employee punches which make up the labor accrual journal entry.  The job form will be described directly below followed by sections describing the job’s effect on the POS integration and labor accruals.   Creating/Viewing/Editing Jobs Jobs can be created in 2 ways.  They are most often created by … Continued
Parent Accounts & Child Accounts

Parent Accounts & Child Accounts

GL Accounts can have a specified Parent Account (effectively making them a Child Account).  Parent Accounts allow users to group Sub-Accounts under one main Summary Account for subtotal and visual grouping on Financial Reports.  To assign a Parent Account to a GL Account, select the Account Name of the desired Parent Account on the GL Account Record A Parent Account can have as many Child Accounts as desired. Restaurant365 will support up to four levels of Parent/Child Accounts. For example: 1) Labor 2) –> Hourly Labor 3) –> –> BOH 4) –> –> –> Kitchen Child Accounts will be indented … Continued