AP Import Templates

AP Import Templates

Overview AP Transactions can be imported in to Restaurant365 using CSV templates.  Numerous Vendors are integrated with Restaurant365 and each provides a unique file format that can be imported.  Click here to see a list of Integrated Vendors Restaurant365 provides a Generic template that any customer, or non-integrated Vendor, can use to perform AP Imports.  Templates can be imported automatically via FTP, or AP Automation or they can be imported manually via the Vendor menu. AP Transactions can be imported by Item, or by Account. Templates [table id=15 /]
Journal Entry Import Templates

Journal Entry Import Templates

Overview Journal Entries can be imported in to Restaurant365 using CSV templates.  Click here for the Journal Entries Overview page.  Two types of Journal Entries can be imported in to Restaurant365: Journal Entry Payroll Journal Entry Each type can be imported using the same template, the ‘R365 JE Import Template.csv’, provided in Table 1 below.  Journal Entries and Payroll Journal Entries can be imported by hovering over the ‘Account’ menu in the top ribbon and selecting ‘Import Journal Entry’.  Click here for more information on Importing Journal Entries   Journal Entry / Payroll Journal Entry Template [table id=18 /]   … Continued
Inventory Master Template

Inventory Master Template

Overview The R365 Inventory Master Template is a five part template that allows Users to create the following: Purchased Items (Inventory) Vendor Items U of Ms Stock Count Templates Item Locations Click here to view a tutorial on how to use the  [video_lightbox_vimeo5 video_id=200265384/1f6e385307 width=800 height=450 anchor=”Inventory Master Template” ] Template Versions [table id=11 /]