Catering Calendar

Catering Calendar

  The Catering Calendar displays all previously created Catering Events in a Month, Week, or Day calendar format.  Events are displayed based on selectable filters, and are classified by color (with each color representing the Catering Event Status).  From the Catering Calendar a user can also create a new Catering Event by double clicking on the desired event date.   Calendar Filters & Views Legend: 1) Status – This filter allows the user to filter only on selected Catering Event Status.  Click here for more information on Catering Event Status 2) Catering Rep – This filter allows the user to filter only … Continued
Catering Follow Up / Tasks

Catering Follow Up / Tasks

  Inside each Catering Event, users have the ability to create Tasks for the Catering Event, as well as add Notes regarding the Catering Event.  This is accomplished on the Follow Up tab of the Catering Event record. Create a Task To create a new Task, click the New Task button on the Follow Up tab.  This will open a prompt where the user can enter the Task Title, Due Date, State/End time, Assignee, and any Details or Comments pertaining to that Task   Task List As Tasks are populated, they will fill the Task List with some quick glance … Continued
Catering Payments

Catering Payments

Catering Events have Catering Payments that allow the user to create and manage Payments Expected, and then record Payments Received as Accounts Receivable Payments.  The main distinction between Payments Expected and Payments Received is that the values in Payments Expected do not appear anywhere else in the system.  Expected Payments are used exclusively in the Catering Event record for Catering Reps to track payments that are due, along with the order, and amount in which they will be paid. Legend: 1) Payments Expected – Payments Expected appear on the left of the Payments tab 2) Payments Received – Payments Received appear on the … Continued
Catering Segments

Catering Segments

Catering Events have Catering Segments to separate multiple meals / segments throughout the event.  These are customizable fields that the user can create as needed.  Segments appear on the Details tab of the Catering Event record.  Catering Menus and Catering Items are added to Segments via the Add from Menu, Select Item, and Create Custom Item buttons/selectors.  Click here for more information on Catering Menus, and here for more information on Catering Items   New Event Default Segment By default Segment 1 is generated when a new Catering Event is created as shown below:   Edit a Segment To edit the … Continued


Sites are addresses of other locations that aren’t your restaurant locations.  Examples of sites might be other places you do events such as banquet halls, hotels, arenas and other areas you may schedule employees to work for offsite events/Catering Events.  Sites are used in the Scheduling Module and in the Catering Module. Scheduling To create a new site, go to Scheduling – New Site in the top ribbon. To access the list of existing sites, go to Scheduling – Sites in the left hand navigation.  You can open existing Site records by double clicking on the desired record.  This will open … Continued
Catering Categories

Catering Categories

Catering Categories allow users to group different Catering Items on their Catering Contracts via the Catering Settings.  Catering Categories are created from within the Catering Item record. Enable Subtotal by Catering Category To subtotal by Catering Categories, you must select ‘Catering Category’ in the Contract Subtotal By field on the Contract tab of Catering Settings as shown below:   Create Catering Categories To create a Catering Category, type the name of the Category in this field and if the Category is new (meaning it has not previously been created), the system will prompt you to create a new Category   Contract … Continued
Catering Items

Catering Items

Catering Items exist in the Catering Module and are the items that will make up the contents of the Catering Menus, and Catering Contracts.  Catering Items can be created three different ways: from an existing Purchased Item / Recipe, from the New Item option in Catering options, and on-the-fly while working on a Catering Event.  We will demonstrate the three methods of Catering Item creation, and detail the Catering Item record. Create a Catering Item The saving of Catering Items is the same no matter how the creation of the Catering Item is initiated, so below we will detail the three methods to create … Continued
Catering Contract – Subtotal By

Catering Contract – Subtotal By

Catering Contracts have the ability to be Subtotaled in one of four ways.  This option is set in the Catering Settings.  Click here for more information on Catering Settings To set the Subtotal By setting, a user must have access to Catering Settings.  The following options exist for Subtotal By: None Catering Item Type Catering Category Catering Menu Example Catering Items, Catering Menu, Segments To distinguish between the different Subtotal By options, we will display sample output from a Catering Event that has the following Catering Items, Catering Menu, and Segments   Catering Items: Five Catering Items     Catering Menu: One Catering … Continued
Catering Sites and Rooms

Catering Sites and Rooms

Catering Sites are event sites that are used in Catering Events.  A Catering Site can be assigned to a Catering Event.  Catering Rooms exist within a Catering Site.  When selecting a Catering Site on a Catering Event, a user will then have the option of selecting (or creating) a Catering Room associated with that Catering Site. Create A Catering Site To create a new site, hover over Catering and select New Site in the top ribbon.  Additionally a new Catering Site can be created from within the Catering Event record by typing in a Catering Site that has not previously been … Continued
Catering Menus

Catering Menus

Catering Menus can be created to quickly and easily add Catering Items to Catering Events, as well as to produce a formatted Catering Menu report Jump to Section: Create Catering Menu Catering Menu Record Subheadings in Catering Menu Use a Catering Menu Catering Menu Report Create Catering Menu To create a Catering Menu, hover over the Catering option in the top ribbon and select New Menu Catering Menus are made up of Catering Items.  Click here for training on how to create Catering Items. Once you have your Catering Items created (or if you plan on creating the Catering Items … Continued