Using Excel to enter Stock Count Quantities

Using Excel to enter Stock Count Quantities

Another option to enter stock count quantities into the system after inventory has been counted is by exporting the count sheet from the system to Excel, and then re-importing that file with the newly entered quantities. To do this, the user opens the desired stock count form and first mouses over the “Action” button and selects “Export Count Sheet”. This will export the information from the stock count into an excel file. The user can then enter the correct quantities into the Excel file in column “F” titled “Qty”. When finished entering the quantities, be sure to save as .csv format. Then … Continued
POS Integration Settings – Preferences Screen

POS Integration Settings – Preferences Screen

The POS Integration is governed by a number of Settings in Restaurant365.  These settings reside on various screens and can be accessed and updated by a User with the ‘Accounting Manager’ security role.  Click here for more information about POS Integration Settings Several elements of the POS Integration Settings are managed on the ‘Miscellaneous’ tab of the ‘Preferences’ screen. To open the ‘Preferences’ screen, hover over the ‘Administration’ menu in the top ribbon and select ‘Preferences’   Doing so will open the ‘Preferences’ screen in a new tab.  Upon loading, navigate to the ‘Miscellaneous’ tab to make any desired adjustments. Legend: … Continued
Troubleshooting Missing Daily Sales Summary

Troubleshooting Missing Daily Sales Summary

Missing Daily Sales Summary In the event that the Daily Sales Summary (DSS) does not automatically import, following the close of the preceding daily sales, try the following steps before contacting Restaurant365 Support:   1) Ensure that the Back Office Computer is running 2) Ensure that the Back Office Computer has an active internet connection   If the computer was off, or the internet was down, the auto-import tool cannot run.  Continue to the options listed below   Options: Manually import the Daily Sales Summary via the Restaurant365 Auto-Import Tool Note: This option is only available on Non Cloud-based POS … Continued
POS Integration Overview

POS Integration Overview

Restaurant365 integrates with many POS systems. Here is an overview what the integrations create in Restaurant365 each time it is run:   System Requirements – The machine housing the integration must have at least .net 4.0 and Internet Explorer 9. Frequency – The integration can be configured to run automatically each night. It can also be run on-demand at the end of the day by one of the store managers. Data Flow – The integration is a one-way integration from the POS system to Restaurant365. Restaurant365 does not pass any information back to the POS system. Data – The integration … Continued
POS Integration Settings – Overview

POS Integration Settings – Overview

The POS Integration is governed by several settings in Restaurant365.  These settings reside on various screens and can be accessed and updated by a User with the ‘Accounting Manager’ Primary Security Role and ‘User Setup’ Secondary Security Role.  The following articles detail the screens where POS Integration Settings can be accessed and updated as needed Preferences Screen Location Record POS Groups     *Click here for more information on all settings located in System Preference
Entering Invoices at the Restaurant Location

Entering Invoices at the Restaurant Location

Welcome to the ‘AP Invoice for Managers’ video tutorial for entering invoices at the restaurant location. The AP Invoice is part of Purchasing within the Operations module of Restaurant365. During this training we will cover the following features and topics: Launching a new AP Invoice Recording Invoice Adjustments Entering Line Items By the way, sometimes you will see the term Accounts Payable abbreviated or referred to as “AP” in the system and on reports. One of the most important things profitable restaurants do is closely track their food & beverage costs on a weekly basis. Doing so can lower a … Continued
Sales Accounts Overview

Sales Accounts Overview

Purpose and Overview: Sales Accounts are required for all POS integrations to Restaurant365 in the same way that Payment Type Accounts are. A Sales Account’s purpose is to tell Restaurant365 what GL Account to credit when accounting for individual sales tickets imported from the POS. It is a ‘mapping’ of POS Sales Categories and POS Service Types to a Restaurant365 General Leger Account. Here is a diagram & example: The Restaurant365 POS integration automatically creates unique Sales Account records (in R365) for every combination of Sales Category and Service Type from sales tickets imported from the POS to R365. Each … Continued
POS Integration Settings – Location Record

POS Integration Settings – Location Record

The POS Integration is governed by a number of Settings in Restaurant365.  These settings reside on various screens and can be accessed and updated by a User with the ‘Accounting Manager’ security role.  Click here for more information about POS Integration Settings Several elements of the POS Integration Settings are managed on the various tabs of the Location Record.  This article discusses settings relevant to POS Integration Settings.  The majority of the content here comes from the Location Setup and Overview article General On the General tab of the Location Record, the POS Import Type is established.  Upon making a selection, … Continued
Vendor Item Record

Vendor Item Record

Vendor Item Vendor Items can be setup to set a few fields for an item for a specific vendor. These records aren’t required and if no item vendor record exists then the values on the item are used instead. In order to import an invoice from a vendor then Vendor Item records are required and if missing then a record will be created during import and the user can finish setting up the record after the import completes. Vendor Item fields are: Item: Lookup of item record Vendor: Lookup of vendor record Vendor Item Number: Text field of the number … Continued
Item – Adding a New Purchased (Inventory) Item

Item – Adding a New Purchased (Inventory) Item

Items are part of the Inventory section of the Operations module of Restaurant365. To begin the process of adding a new inventory item to Restaurant365, click on ‘Item’ in the top ribbon. Then select ‘New Purchased Item’.The ‘New Purchased Item’ window appears. You will want to enter an item for everything that is counted as part of a physical stock count. This may include ingredients, spices, supplies, paper, packaging and so forth. Enter the Name, Number, and Description for each item.In the ‘General Tab’ enter the ‘Name’ of the item, ‘Type’ should remain as ‘Purchased’.  You can enter an Item ‘Number’ … Continued