Managing Menu Items

Managing Menu Items

Menu Item Analysis Menu Item Analysis has the following benefits: Visually review the performance of each menu item with ease Analyze menu items with greater efficiency Easily see where you are doing well and where you can improve Setup Menu Items The Menu Item Analysis has two main components that need to be setup – Menu Items and Menu Item Links Menu Items Allows the user to set the details for each Menu Item including: Estimated Cost, Price, Target Margin, etc. Menu Item Links Allows the user to link together more than one item. This is especially helpful when the … Continued
Daily Sales Summary for the Restaurant Manager

Daily Sales Summary for the Restaurant Manager

  In this training, the steps to review the Daily Sales Summary (DSS) will be covered: 1. Close out POS System 2. Upload Daily POS Data to Restaurant365 & Open Daily Sales Summary 3. Open the Daily Sales Summary and Review ‘Totals’ tab 4. Enter Deposits 5. Enter Exceptions (if any) 6. Enter House Account info (if any) 7. Enter Paidouts (if any) 8. Review Labor   Step 1: Close Out POS System Finish the closing steps in your POS system (if applicable) Step 2: Upload Daily POS Data to Restaurant365 Daily Sales Summary data can be uploaded to Restaurant365 in one … Continued
Stock Count Record

Stock Count Record

  The Stock Count Record is where Stock Counts reside in Restaurant365.  Stock Counts are created from Stock Count Templates, either via your Browser, or via the Restaurant365 Mobile App.  This article will describe all of the fields that are located on the Stock Count Record.  For more information on Stock Counts, refer to the Stock Count Overview   Stock Count Record /  Quick Details Tab The header information on a Stock Count is present at the top of the record no matter what tab is being viewed.  The Quick Details tab contains the screen in which Users will record … Continued
Item Locations

Item Locations

  Restaurant365 has the ability to store Item Location records which have some of the same fields as the item records but can be further defined for specific locations. When costing information is being loaded for a Location-specific transaction (AP Invoice, Stock Count etc.) Restaurant365 will first search to see if the Purchased Item has an ‘Item Location’ for the specified Location.  If no Item Location Record exists for a specific Purchased Item, the information from the Item record will be used.
Entering An Item Transfer

Entering An Item Transfer

The Item Transfer function allows you to record item transfers between restaurants. This will ensure your item inventory levels are adjusted as you transfer items. Note: In order to use this feature you must have ‘Item Costing’ Setup. Click on this link to learn more about ‘Item Costing’ To begin select ‘Item’ in the top ribbon, then select ‘Item Transfer’’ A new window will open. Update the Header fields. Then enter the item, quantity and a detail comment (comment is optional) of each item being transferred and select add to add each line item. Number: The transaction Number is auto-generated … Continued
DSS Re-Import

DSS Re-Import

Re-importing Daily Sales Summary (DSS) Files Restaurant365 customers that are using a non-Cloud-based POS system have the ability to manually re-import Daily Sales Summary (DSS) files. Note: the following Cloud-based POS Systems are exceptions and require assistance from the Restaurant365 POS Integration Team to re-import DSS files: Brink Revel Square Clover Toast Breadcrumb For DSS re-import assistance with a Cloud-based POS please contact Restaurant365 Support and include the following details: Restaurant365 URL: Location Name / Number: Date(s) of missing DSS(s):   Troubleshooting Before Re-import Before attempting to re-import manually, and before contacting Restaurant365 Support, please review the article Troubleshooting tips for missing DSSs … Continued
POS Integration Settings – POS Groups

POS Integration Settings – POS Groups

  Overview POS Groups are groupings of Concepts or POS Systems.  POS Groups are exclusively used as a form of POS System Payment Type Separation and POS System Sales Account Separation.  Separating Payment Types / Sales Accounts by POS Group is particularly useful for large organizations with multiple concepts.  In place of managing several hundred Payment Types or Sales Accounts from across the entire organization, now Payment Types and Sales Accounts can be managed by Concept through POS Groups.  Click here for more information on POS Integration Settings   Steps to Create and Assign POS Groups Step 1 – Select ‘POS Group’ in … Continued
Inventory Cost Method – FIFO at Current Cost

Inventory Cost Method – FIFO at Current Cost

For inventory cost method, the system utilizes FIFO (First In, First Out) at Current Cost.  To more fully understand the FIFO at Current Cost process please read through the following use case: Case: A customer is using Restaurant365 for Inventory tracking.  The customer purchases a new Purchased Item and does not have an existing balance of inventory on hand.  Additionally the customer has not yet performed a Stock Count that included the new Purchased Item. Event 1 – Purchase inventory and record AP Invoice (8/25)   Cost Tracking [table id=4 /] FIFO Result – The system assumes that the $80 worth … Continued
Job Titles

Job Titles

This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module   Purpose & Overview Jobs are used in various ways by the system.  They are assigned to employees and used by the scheduling module.  They are also used in conjunction with the POS integration to track employee punches which make up the labor accrual journal entry.  The job form will be described directly below followed by sections describing the job’s effect on the POS integration and labor accruals.   Creating/Viewing/Editing Jobs Jobs can be created in 2 ways.  They are most often created by … Continued
Upload File

Upload File

Records throughout Restaurant365 have a button near the bottom of each page labeled ‘Upload File’.  This allows the user to upload an attachment to that particular record. Uploading attachments to records can be very useful for audit purposes, and is especially useful for AP Invoices.  A user can attach a PDF version of an invoice to the actual accounting record of the AP Invoice.   Uploading a file To upload a file to a record in Restaurant365, click the ‘Upload File’ button on the record you wish to attach a file to.  This will open a file selector prompt, where upon selecting … Continued