Recipe Cost Breakout Report

Recipe Cost Breakout Report

Shows Cost breakdown of each menu item by COGS categories. This report is very helpful with the set-up of Recipes. It will identify any recipe that was set-up incorrectly.
Flash Report

Flash Report

  The Flash Report gives users a consolidated report that provides several key metrics for each of their Locations, including Sales, Labor Costs, Discounts and Comps.  The Flash Report is located in the ‘Operational Analysis’ section of ‘My Reports’, and is titled ‘Flash Report’.  Similarly to all reports located in ‘My Reports’, the ‘Flash Report’ can be ran manually.     Additionally, Flash Reports can be delivered automatically, in a daily email.  To set up Daily Flash Report emails, please contact Restaurant365 Support and provide the following information: Restaurant365 URL ( All recipient email addresses   Flash Report Detail Explanation   The Flash … Continued
Period Purchases Analysis by Vendor

Period Purchases Analysis by Vendor

Displays total purchases by Vendor and then by GL Account for any given period for any combination of locations.  Breaks out the purchases by week during the period and has totals for each week, each vendor, and the period.  Drill down  into any source transaction.
GL Account Record

GL Account Record

The GL Account Record is where the Account specific information for each of the GL Accounts resides in the system.  Once you have opened a GL Account Record, the General Tab of the record will be displayed.  In addition to the information found on the General tab, the Transactions, and Report Settings tabs are available to users.  To create a new GL Account, please see the Add a New GL Account training. Click the button below to download an example General Ledger populated with recommended Account Names, Account Numbers, Cash Flow Categories, Operational Reports Categories, and Parent Account from the National Restaurant Association … Continued
Daily COGS Activity

Daily COGS Activity

Shows a running total of purchases by category for each day of the period.  It also compares the actual spend by category to the budgeted amount for each category for the period.
GL Account – Available To Managers

GL Account – Available To Managers

If non-Accounting users (Users with the security role of Restaurant Manager) need access to a GL Account, that Account must be flagged as Available to Managers.  As non-Accounting users do not have access to the Accounting Module, they will never see the General Ledger in its entirety, nor will they have the access to open a GL Account Record to view GL Transactions.  However, it will be necessary for Restaurant Managers to have limited access to some GL Accounts for Invoicing, and DSS Review For Accounts that have Available to Managers enabled, the Account Name / Number will be made available in … Continued
COGS Analysis by Location

COGS Analysis by Location

Purchasing transaction totals by location, then vendor, then each transaction with columns side by side of GL Account.  Drill down to any individual transaction from the report.  Filter by location and by COGS Type.
GL Account – Disable Entry

GL Account – Disable Entry

If a GL Account is going to be a true Summary Account, we can Disable Entry for the account.  The values in the account going forward will only be a sum of the Child Accounts that are associated with the Parent (disabled) Account. For accounts that have Disable Entry enabled, the Account Name / Number will no longer show up in any Account Selector dropdowns in the system.  The Account will be disabled for direct entry for all transactions (this includes importing Journal Entries that post directly to this Account). This is accomplished on the GL Account Record via a Check/Unchecked setting on … Continued
Purchase Analysis by Vendor

Purchase Analysis by Vendor

Purchasing transaction totals by vendor and then individual transactions with columns for COGS Type side by side.  Columns are clickable to see GL Accounts within those types side by side.  Drill down to any individual transaction from the report.
Location Setup and Overview

Location Setup and Overview

Locations, like Legal Entities, are critical to both Accounting and Operations in Restaurant365.  In this training we will review the Location record in detail.  Click here for more information on how to Create a New Location Jump to Section: Location List View Location Record: Overview Location Record: General Location Record: Default Accounts Location Record: Labor Estimates Location Record: POS Integration Settings Location Record: Goals Location Record: Day Parts Location Record: Breaks & Split Location List View Each Location in Restaurant365 will exist as a Location record, found in the ‘Locations’ list view, under the ‘Administration’ section in the Accounting Module.   Upon selecting the ‘Locations’ list view, you will … Continued