Mass DSS Review

Mass DSS Review

The Mass DSS Review makes it easy to review and approve the Daily Sales Summaries. Go to ‘Account’ in the Top Ribbon and then select ‘Mass DSS’ In the Mass DSS Review screen, you can select the location, Start Date, and End Date. Set a specific timeframe and click on the Get DSS button to get the respective records. There is also a check box to only show the Unapproved Transactions. It will then show 3 tabs DSS, House Accounts, and Missing DSS. DSS Tab – Review each row for the correct Net Sales and Deposit information. To see more information … Continued
Mass Invoice Entry

Mass Invoice Entry

Purpose:  The Mass Invoice Entry screen is designed to make manual entry of Vendor Invoices as quick as possible   Step 1: Open the Mass Invoice Entry screen Vendor -> Mass Invoice Entry Step 2: Set the Location The User’s default Location will be set by default.  If necessary, change the Location that the Invoices will be entered for Step 3: Enter Invoices Enter the Header and Footer information Enter the Detail information Click ‘Next Invoice’ to add all the entered information to the Invoices Grid.  Do not click ‘Next Invoice’ until ready for the next Invoice   Header Information: 1) Vendor … Continued
AR Credit Memo

AR Credit Memo

The AR Credit Memo is part of Accounts Receivable within the Accounting module of Restaurant365.  They are generally used to apply to AR Invoices (cancel out the invoice) by issuing a credit to a customer. To create a credit memo, select Customer – Credit Memo in the top main ribbon. Fill out the required fields: Number – number of credit memo.  This is usually an auto generated sequential number managed under Accounting – Administration – Auto Numbering in left hand navigation Customer Date Location Fill out other non-required fields as desired such as Comment and Address (address is entered by hitting … Continued
Franchising Module Overview

Franchising Module Overview

The franchising module assists restaurant groups in tracking franchisees, each franchisee location, contracts, franchisee daily sales, and automates franchisee billing/ACH payment collection.  To access this module, select it from the drop down at the top of the left hand navigation pane.  Below is a brief description of the different elements of this module: Franchisee – this is the top level franchisee that may own 1 or more franchise location stores.  On this record you store details about this franchisee, how you will bill them, view their list of stores, and create and view people who are your contacts at this franchisee. … Continued
AR Payment

AR Payment

The Customer Payment is part of Accounts Receivable within the Accounting module of Restaurant365.  During this training we will cover the following features and topics: Uses and Purposes of the AR Payment Opening the AR Payment Window Entering Payment Details Applying Payments Let’s get started! The AR Payment transaction is used to record receipts from customers for invoices you had sent to them from the AR Invoice or Catering module. Regardless of the method of payment and the timing of your actual deposit of these funds, you will use this window to record the receipt. You will have the opportunity … Continued
Customer Record

Customer Record

The Customer Record is where the Customer specific information for each Customer resides in the system.  Once you have opened a Customer Record, the General Tab of the record will be displayed.  In addition to the information found on the General tab, Customer Additional Info, Customer related Open Transactions, Customer related All Transactions, Customer related Contacts, and Customer Locations are available to users.  Additionally, for those using the Franchising Module, Franchisee Additional Info will also be made available on Customers identified as Franchisee Location Customers. To add a new Customer, hover over the Customer tab in the top ribbon, and click New Customer.  This will open up a new tab with … Continued
AP Automation: Common Webmail Provider POP Settings

AP Automation: Common Webmail Provider POP Settings

Restaurant365 can monitor a specified Email address via POP3.  Click here for more information on AP Automation   [table id=12 automatic_url_conversion=true automatic_url_conversion_new_window=true /]
AP Import Templates

AP Import Templates

Overview AP Transactions can be imported in to Restaurant365 using CSV templates.  Numerous Vendors are integrated with Restaurant365 and each provides a unique file format that can be imported.  Click here to see a list of Integrated Vendors Restaurant365 provides a Generic template that any customer, or non-integrated Vendor, can use to perform AP Imports.  Templates can be imported automatically via FTP, or AP Automation or they can be imported manually via the Vendor menu. AP Transactions can be imported by Item, or by Account. Templates [table id=15 /]
Adding a New Budget

Adding a New Budget

This tutorial will walk you through the steps to ‘Add a Budget’. Before you add a budget, make sure that you have the Fiscal Year setup for the legal entity and year of the budget that you are going to create. Click here to go to the fiscal year setup training. To begin, hover over ‘Account’ on the ribbon and select ‘Budget.’ A new window will open with the name “Budget”. In the ‘Name’ field, input the name of the budget you are adding. Next, in the ‘Budget Year’ Field, select the year you are creating the budget for. Next, … Continued
Check Run Screen – Field Descriptions

Check Run Screen – Field Descriptions

The Check Run screen provides a User with a list of Approved AP Invoices.  The User can then apply AP Credit Memos & Discounts, create AP Payments, print Checks, and produce ACH and Positive Pay exports for selected invoices.  Click here for more information on the Check Run Overview   Check Run Screen 1) Check Run Name – the system will generate a unique name for the Check Run consisting of the Date – Time Stamp – User Full Name.  This value cannot be changed 2) Select Invoices From selector – Select the Legal Entity name of the Locations that will be represented … Continued