New Journal Entry

New Journal Entry

This tutorial will walk you through the necessary steps for creating a New Journal Entry. Note: If you are entering a large journal entry, like a Payroll Journal Entry from your payroll provider, you may want to use the ‘Journal Entry Import Function’. This functionality will you allow to import a pre-defined template specific to your providers journal entry details. Click on this link to access the Importing Journal Entries tutorial. You can also use the ‘Memorized Transaction’ function, that allows the user to create a Journal Entry Template that can be used over and over again. Click on this … Continued
Check Signatures

Check Signatures

The system allows the following options around how your company can handle signatures on checks: Click here for more information on how to Create a Check Signature 1.) Print Check – a standard signature line is printed on the check to be signed manually   2.) Print Check with Signature – a signature is printed on the standard signature line (the signature is uploaded on the Bank Account Record) 3.) Print Check with Signature: Require 2nd Signature – a 2nd signature line is printed above the standard signature line to be signed manually (based on a dollar threshold set on the Bank … Continued
AR Invoice

AR Invoice

The AR Invoice is part of Accounts Receivable within the Accounting module of Restaurant365.  The AR Invoice is used to generate a professional invoice to provide to customers for services or goods you sell them billed separately from your point of sale system. A few examples of this would be to bill house accounts for food provided during the month or to bill for a speaking assignment at a trade show. For information on billing house accounts specifically, click the following link: Setting Up and Using House Accounts Before we begin entering an invoice, we must first have setup Sales Items. … Continued
Vendor Contract Price Verification

Vendor Contract Price Verification

Sometimes a vendor may invoice for product at a different price than they have contracted with you.  In these cases the system can warn you that a contract violation has occurred.  Setting up a contract price for a vendor item is simple and once set the system will automatically validate it when invoices are entered and invoices with violations will also be highlighted during a check run. Setup Vendor contract prices are set on Vendor Item records and can be done individually or mass imported. Individual Vendor Item update Go to the Vendor Item list (Operations – Inventory – Vendor … Continued
FTP Folder Setup

FTP Folder Setup

Restaurant365 can setup an FTP site for your company to drop files in that will be imported by the system automatically. These transactions will be imported as unapproved so that they can be reviewed before approval. There are 3 steps to using this feature: To request that an FTP site be created for your instance, please contact Restaurant365 Support and provide your Restaurant365 URL. Once the site is setup, follow the instructions below to connect your computer to the FTP site Provide the FTP site credentials to your Food & Beverage Vendors that have dedicated invoice integrations with Restaurant365 All files … Continued
Print 1099 Forms

Print 1099 Forms

Restaurant365 can create and generate 1099 forms for your 1099 Vendors (Vendors you pay in excess of $600 in a calendar year). 1099 Vendor Setup To use the 1099 Form feature, the Vendor must first be established as a 1099 Vendor.  To do so, open the Vendor Record, and navigate to the Vendor Additional Info tab.  Select the correct 1099 box in the dropdown, and enter the Tax ID information for the Vendor. Click here for more information about Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) from Blank 1099 Stock 1099 Forms are available from the IRS free of charge (4 to … Continued
System Preferences: AP Automation

System Preferences: AP Automation

The ‘AP Automation’ tab resides on the System Preferences screen.  Click here for more information on System Preferences. On the AP Automation tab, a specified Email address can be provided that will be monitored by Restaurant365 via POP3.  When emails with attachments are sent to the monitored Email address, Restaurant365 will recognize the attachment(s) and determine what actions can be taken.  Attachments that cannot be automatically imported as AP Transactions (EDI) will be routed to the Documents to Process list.  Note: Please refer to the AP Automation Overview as you prepare to utilize this useful feature in Restaurant365 Legend: 1) Email … Continued
Budget Parameters Screen

Budget Parameters Screen

This article describes the Budget Parameters screen in the Advanced Budgeting feature in Restaurant365.  Click here for more information on Budgeting Budget Parameters Budgets can be created and saved with the following parameters: Current and future years Single Location or multiple Locations By Period or Week Using the Fiscal or Operational Calendar Budgets can also be created for both the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statement On the Budget Parameters screen, an Accounting Manager User will select the year, select the Location(s), designate periods vs weeks, designate the Calendar Type (Fiscal vs. Operational), and the Budget Account Type (Balance Sheet … Continued
Mass DSS Review

Mass DSS Review

The Mass DSS Review makes it easy to review and approve the Daily Sales Summaries. Go to ‘Account’ in the Top Ribbon and then select ‘Mass DSS’ In the Mass DSS Review screen, you can select the location, Start Date, and End Date. Set a specific timeframe and click on the Get DSS button to get the respective records. There is also a check box to only show the Unapproved Transactions. It will then show 3 tabs DSS, House Accounts, and Missing DSS. DSS Tab – Review each row for the correct Net Sales and Deposit information. To see more information … Continued
Mass Invoice Entry

Mass Invoice Entry

Purpose:  The Mass Invoice Entry screen is designed to make manual entry of Vendor Invoices as quick as possible   Step 1: Open the Mass Invoice Entry screen Vendor -> Mass Invoice Entry Step 2: Set the Location The User’s default Location will be set by default.  If necessary, change the Location that the Invoices will be entered for Step 3: Enter Invoices Enter the Header and Footer information Enter the Detail information Click ‘Next Invoice’ to add all the entered information to the Invoices Grid.  Do not click ‘Next Invoice’ until ready for the next Invoice   Header Information: 1) Vendor … Continued