Entering A Waste Log

Entering A Waste Log

Waste Log Feature – Allows you to account for Inventory Item Waste. This is very similar to the Item Transfer transaction and is used in conjunction with the Item Costing module. As a first step you need to ensure that you have a ‘Waste Account’ assigned to the items you will be recording waste for. Once you have the waste account assigned to your items you will be able to create a waste log. To begin, Click on ‘Item Actions’ and then select ‘New Waste Log’ A new Window will open. Update the header information. The ‘Number’ is auto generated … Continued
Stock Usage Report

Stock Usage Report

Upon completing a Stock Count, the User can run the Stock Usage report via My Reports to see metrics on Inventory Usage, Purchases, Sales and Inventory Turns.  To run the report, navigate to ‘My Reports’ and select the ‘Stock Usage’ report and click ‘Run’: Sample Report:   Click here for more information on Stock Counts in Restaurant365
Item – Adding a New Purchased (Inventory) Item

Item – Adding a New Purchased (Inventory) Item

Items are part of the Inventory section of the Operations module of Restaurant365. To begin the process of adding a new inventory item to Restaurant365, click on ‘Item’ in the top ribbon. Then select ‘New Purchased Item’.The ‘New Purchased Item’ window appears. You will want to enter an item for everything that is counted as part of a physical stock count. This may include ingredients, spices, supplies, paper, packaging and so forth. Enter the Name, Number, and Description for each item.In the ‘General Tab’ enter the ‘Name’ of the item, ‘Type’ should remain as ‘Purchased’.  You can enter an Item ‘Number’ … Continued
Stock Counts with Multiple Count U of Ms

Stock Counts with Multiple Count U of Ms

Items Available for Inventory (Purchased Items and Recipes) have the option of utilizing multiple Count U of Ms for the purpose of Stock Counts.  For example, the Purchased Item ‘Romaine Hearts’ could be counted three different ways: ‘Case – 12/3 CT’, ‘Bag – 3 CT’ and ‘Bag (Chopped) – 2 LB’.  These Units of Measure are set on the ‘Inventory Cost’ tab of the Purchased Item Record, and when assigned, will appear as additional ‘Qty’ boxes on Stock Counts.  In order to utilize Multiple Count U of Ms, follow the steps outlined below.  Click here for more information on Stock Counts … Continued
Item Costing

Item Costing

Overview: The system is equipped with multiple fields to help track item cost based on purchases and stock counts. This feature requires additional setup and maintenance elements. Setup There are  five different records in Restaurant365 that will drive item costing functionality: Vendors Units of Measure Purchased Items Item Location (Optional) Vendor Items (Optional) Vendors   On the vendor record the dropdown field named Entry can be set to ‘by Account’ or ‘by Item.’ If ‘by Item’ is selected then when invoices are entered for this vendor the item detail grid will display, if ‘by Account’ then the account grid will … Continued
Stock Count Record

Stock Count Record

  The Stock Count Record is where Stock Counts reside in Restaurant365.  Stock Counts are created from Stock Count Templates, either via your Browser, or via the Restaurant365 Mobile App.  This article will describe all of the fields that are located on the Stock Count Record.  For more information on Stock Counts, refer to the Stock Count Overview   Stock Count Record /  Quick Details Tab The header information on a Stock Count is present at the top of the record no matter what tab is being viewed.  The Quick Details tab contains the screen in which Users will record … Continued
Entering An Item Transfer

Entering An Item Transfer

The Item Transfer function allows you to record item transfers between restaurants. This will ensure your item inventory levels are adjusted as you transfer items. Note: In order to use this feature you must have ‘Item Costing’ Setup. Click on this link to learn more about ‘Item Costing’ To begin select ‘Item’ in the top ribbon, then select ‘Item Transfer’’ A new window will open. Update the Header fields. Then enter the item, quantity and a detail comment (comment is optional) of each item being transferred and select add to add each line item. Number: The transaction Number is auto-generated … Continued
Inventory Master Template

Inventory Master Template

Overview The R365 Inventory Master Template is a five part template that allows Users to create the following: Purchased Items (Inventory) Vendor Items U of Ms Stock Count Templates Item Locations Click here to view a tutorial on how to use the  [video_lightbox_vimeo5 video_id=200265384/1f6e385307 width=800 height=450 anchor=”Inventory Master Template” ] Template Versions [table id=11 /]
Using Excel to enter Stock Count Quantities

Using Excel to enter Stock Count Quantities

Another option to enter stock count quantities into the system after inventory has been counted is by exporting the count sheet from the system to Excel, and then re-importing that file with the newly entered quantities. To do this, the user opens the desired stock count form and first mouses over the “Action” button and selects “Export Count Sheet”. This will export the information from the stock count into an excel file. The user can then enter the correct quantities into the Excel file in column “F” titled “Qty”. When finished entering the quantities, be sure to save as .csv format. Then … Continued