Profit & Loss – Actual Plus Forecast

Profit & Loss – Actual Plus Forecast

Displays each month of the year with actual values for past months and budget values for future months.  Totals these two together to show what the company is ‘on-track’ to do for the year verses the original budget.  Displays variance and % columns. May be filtered by location(s) or legal entity.
Location Setup and Overview

Location Setup and Overview

Locations, like Legal Entities, are critical to both Accounting and Operations in Restaurant365.  In this training we will review the Location record in detail.  Click here for more information on how to Create a New Location Jump to Section: Location List View Location Record: Overview Location Record: General Location Record: Default Accounts Location Record: Labor Estimates Location Record: POS Integration Settings Location Record: Goals Location Record: Day Parts Location Record: Breaks & Split Location List View Each Location in Restaurant365 will exist as a Location record, found in the ‘Locations’ list view, under the ‘Administration’ section in the Accounting Module.   Upon selecting the ‘Locations’ list view, you will … Continued
GL Account Detail Report

GL Account Detail Report

This report shows each transaction that has hit an account (or multiple accounts) within a selected date range.  This report can be run from My Reports and is also the report that the P&L, Trial Balance, and Balance Sheet drill down to when you click on an amount on those reports to see more details.  Clicking on the blue link in the Ref. Number column of this report will open that transaction. Once the report is opened there are some parameters at the top the user can set that will change how the data is displayed: Account – select which … Continued
DSS Journal Entries

DSS Journal Entries

For POS Integrated Locations, a Daily Sales Summary (DSS) file will be imported each day for the prior day’s Sales and Labor.  Click here for more information on the Daily Sales Summary.  In addition to the DSS file being imported each day, two DSS Journal Entries are created from the data on the DSS. DSS Journal Entry Walkthrough To demonstrate where DSS Journal Entries are located, how you can view them, and how you can update and approve them, please read the following walkthrough:   Record Locations: Daily Sales Summary Before any DSS Journal Entries will appear, the DSS must be imported.  This is … Continued
Bank Reconciliation Report

Bank Reconciliation Report

Detailed or summary view of cleared and outstanding transactions included in a bank reconciliation.  
Legal Entity Setup

Legal Entity Setup

Legal Entities are companies that own locations.  Each location must belong to a legal entity.  Many reports can be run by legal entity which will show results for all locations that belong to that entity.  A legal entity usually has a corporate tax id.  Legal entities aren’t selected on transactions because the location is selected and whichever legal entity that location belongs to is associated with that transaction automatically. To edit an existing legal entity, go to the Legal Entities list (Accounting – Administration – Legal Entities in the left hand navigation), click a the row of the legal entity … Continued
Cash Flow Statement

Cash Flow Statement

Shows the sources and uses of cash from operating, investing, and financing activities using the indirect method.  Before using the statement you will need to assign ‘Cash Flow Categories’ to your Balance Sheet accounts. There are seven available categories: Operating – Depreciation & Amortization Expense – VERY IMPORTANT, BE SURE THE DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ACCOUNT IS ASSIGNED THIS CATEGORY AND NOT ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION OR THE AMOUNT WILL SHOW NEGATIVE Operating – Gain/Loss From Sale of Assets Operating – Non-cash Current Assests & Liabilities Investing – Long Term Assets Financing – Long Term Liabilities Financing – Equity Cash To assign a GL Account … Continued
Profit & Loss Formatting

Profit & Loss Formatting

There are two aspects to Profit & Loss report formatting: Column layout Row format  Which column layout you use is selected from the dropdown when you run the report.  Column layouts are not customizable and examples are a column that shows period totals, another might show YTD, another might show locations side by side, etc.   The row format is customizable by your organization and this article will describe the customizable options and the steps to customize it. Elements of Row Format on P&L GL Account – Accounts make up the majority of rows on the P&L.  They will be indented different … Continued
Balance Sheet – Location Side by Side

Balance Sheet – Location Side by Side

Available in summary or detail, displays selected legal entities side by side with a total column. Can drill down into any balance to view transactions.
My Reports: Report Roles Setup

My Reports: Report Roles Setup

Report Roles must be created in order to access the Reports located in ‘My Reports’.  Click here for more information about My Reports Alternatively, if all users will need access to ‘All Reports’, this can be set on the User Record.  Click here for more information on granting access to ‘All Reports’   Setup Report Roles Navigate to the Report Roles Setup screen to Create and View Report Roles Hover over the ‘Administration’ menu in the Top Ribbon, then hover over the ‘Users & Security’ sub-menu and select ‘Report Roles Setup’.  The Report Roles Setup page will load in a new … Continued