Entering Beginning Balance Transactions

Entering Beginning Balance Transactions

When implementing Restaurant365 you will need to input beginning balance transactions for GL Balances, Open AP Transactions, Open AR Transactions, and Unreconciled Bank Transactions.  The majority of beginning balance items will be imported during the implementation process.  However, after go-live you may identify some discrepancies that may require you to add some additional beginning balance transactions. To add a new beginning balance transaction for GL Balances, Open AP, Open AR, or Unreconciled Bank Items, follow the steps below.   Select ‘Administration’ in the top ribbon and then select ‘New Beginning Balance’.  This will open a list of available beginning balance options. Available Beginning Balance Transaction Options AP … Continued
Location Setup and Overview

Location Setup and Overview

Locations, like Legal Entities, are critical to both Accounting and Operations in Restaurant365.  In this training we will review the Location record in detail.  Click here for more information on how to Create a New Location Jump to Section: Location List View Location Record: Overview Location Record: General Location Record: Default Accounts Location Record: Labor Estimates Location Record: POS Integration Settings Location Record: Goals Location Record: Day Parts Location Record: Breaks & Split Location List View Each Location in Restaurant365 will exist as a Location record, found in the ‘Locations’ list view, under the ‘Administration’ section in the Accounting Module.   Upon selecting the ‘Locations’ list view, you will … Continued
POS Integration Settings – Overview

POS Integration Settings – Overview

The POS Integration is governed by several settings in Restaurant365.  These settings reside on various screens and can be accessed and updated by a User with the ‘Accounting Manager’ Primary Security Role and ‘User Setup’ Secondary Security Role.  The following articles detail the screens where POS Integration Settings can be accessed and updated as needed Preferences Screen Location Record POS Groups     *Click here for more information on all settings located in System Preference
Fiscal Period/Year Setup

Fiscal Period/Year Setup

Overview Fiscal periods must be setup for each year by creating a Fiscal Year for each legal entity.  Different legal entities can run on different fiscal years.  Within each legal entity you can have a Financial Year different from your Operational Year if you want to run operations reports using different setup than you might report to the bank or investors.  This is common for companies that run financials on a calendar year but want to do operational analysis on weeks and across equal periods.  To accomplish this, setup your fiscal year as Calendar and operational year as 13-4 week … Continued
Legal Entity Setup

Legal Entity Setup

Legal Entities are companies that own locations.  Each location must belong to a legal entity.  Many reports can be run by legal entity which will show results for all locations that belong to that entity.  A legal entity usually has a corporate tax id.  Legal entities aren’t selected on transactions because the location is selected and whichever legal entity that location belongs to is associated with that transaction automatically. To edit an existing legal entity, go to the Legal Entities list (Accounting – Administration – Legal Entities in the left hand navigation), click a the row of the legal entity … Continued
POS Integration Settings – POS Groups

POS Integration Settings – POS Groups

  Overview POS Groups are groupings of Concepts or POS Systems.  POS Groups are exclusively used as a form of POS System Payment Type Separation and POS System Sales Account Separation.  Separating Payment Types / Sales Accounts by POS Group is particularly useful for large organizations with multiple concepts.  In place of managing several hundred Payment Types or Sales Accounts from across the entire organization, now Payment Types and Sales Accounts can be managed by Concept through POS Groups.  Click here for more information on POS Integration Settings   Steps to Create and Assign POS Groups Step 1 – Select ‘POS Group’ in … Continued
Color Theme Builder

Color Theme Builder

To customize the user experience, organizations can set the color theme of the system.  The system comes with various saved color theme options to select from and new custom themes can also be created by the user. Access The theme builder is available in the top ribbon under Administration – Theme Builder for users who have the User Setup security role.  Setting a color theme as default will change the theme for all users in your organization (not just the user who makes the change). Using Theme Builder The theme builder window will be displayed near the top right hand side … Continued
Profit & Loss Formatting

Profit & Loss Formatting

There are two aspects to Profit & Loss report formatting: Column layout Row format  Which column layout you use is selected from the dropdown when you run the report.  Column layouts are not customizable and examples are a column that shows period totals, another might show YTD, another might show locations side by side, etc.   The row format is customizable by your organization and this article will describe the customizable options and the steps to customize it. Elements of Row Format on P&L GL Account – Accounts make up the majority of rows on the P&L.  They will be indented different … Continued
Email Settings: Common Webmail Provider SMTP Settings

Email Settings: Common Webmail Provider SMTP Settings

Various functions within Restaurant365 allow the User to Email different records, or transaction links.  In order to utilize the Email functionality, the Email Settings on the User Record must be completed.  The following is a list of Common Webmail Provider SMTP Settings.  Click here for more information on Email Settings in Restaurant365    [table id=13 automatic_url_conversion=true automatic_url_conversion_new_window=true /]
FTP Folder Setup

FTP Folder Setup

Restaurant365 can setup an FTP site for your company to drop files in that will be imported by the system automatically. These transactions will be imported as unapproved so that they can be reviewed before approval. There are 3 steps to using this feature: To request that an FTP site be created for your instance, please contact Restaurant365 Support and provide your Restaurant365 URL. Once the site is setup, follow the instructions below to connect your computer to the FTP site Provide the FTP site credentials to your Food & Beverage Vendors that have dedicated invoice integrations with Restaurant365 All files … Continued