

In Resaurant365, unique identifiers are important for numerous reasons.  To allow for the easy creation of unique records, many transactions have an Autonumbering feature that is managed under the Administration section of the Accounting Module.  When selected, the Autonumbering Next XX # (1) will be displayed next to the Prefix (if any) (2) as shown below.  To save any adjustments to the next number, or prefix, be sure to click the Submit button to the right of each Autonumbering line item.
Customer Record

Customer Record

The Customer Record is where the Customer specific information for each Customer resides in the system.  Once you have opened a Customer Record, the General Tab of the record will be displayed.  In addition to the information found on the General tab, Customer Additional Info, Customer related Open Transactions, Customer related All Transactions, Customer related Contacts, and Customer Locations are available to users.  Additionally, for those using the Franchising Module, Franchisee Additional Info will also be made available on Customers identified as Franchisee Location Customers. To add a new Customer, hover over the Customer tab in the top ribbon, and click New Customer.  This will open up a new tab with … Continued
Payment Terms

Payment Terms

Payment Terms are used throughout Restaurant365 to specify the Terms in which a payment should be received.  There are five Payment Term Pre-sets that exist when the system is created.  Apart from those five payment terms, users will need to create and manage the Payment Terms necessary for their organization. Create Payment Terms To Create a new Payment Term, hover over Administration on the top ribbon, and click New Payment Term.  Additionally you can type in the name of a Payment Term in any Payment Terms selector boxes (on Customer, AP/AR Invoices etc.) and if the record does not exist, … Continued